Chapter 9

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There he was standing there talking to another girl who was in a office outfit the guy was also in an office suit. Yashiro stayed silent but also still.

Yashiro POV

What was I doing?! Why can't I move? If I don't move he going to notice me! Was I really that scared to see him that my whole body froze up? This is bad... really bad..

So many things going through me I had no idea what to do.

I look back up to notice he was gone, so was the girl he was talking too. So many things can happen right now. At this point I wanted Amane.

I wanted him by my side to tell me everything going to be alright. Gently stroking my hair like he used to back in highschool.

"Hi there Nene, did you miss me?" That voice sent chills down me as it came from behind. I turned around to face him.

It was my step dad brother also known as my uncle. He was just like my step dad but slightly worse.

"I'm taking your silence as a yes." He laughed a little patting my head. That was when I took control of my body again and was able to strike.

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly grabbing his wrist pulling it away from my head to stop him from petting it.

"I only came to see if the rumors were true and they seemed to be. Now you two can get married and live the life your parents wanted to have." He took his other hand an ripped my hand off his wrist.

"First of all I'm not 22 yet I'm still 21 I have a couple more months until then. Second of all you guys don't control how I go on with my life. And besides I found someone I prefer better then who you guys originally made me be with." I could have gone on and on but decided to stop right there as I really wasn't in the mood to explain every single detail.

"Someone better? If your talking about that idol boy then he is a lost cause." A lost cause? I found that hard to believe.

"Say Nene, just forget about him and come with me. Your future is waiting for you." He handed me his hand but I slap it away.

"Your lying... Your such a lier! He isn't a lost cause. I'm staying by his side as long as he wants me too. At least I can picture a future with him a future that I'm no longer in pain, I'm happy." I started to cry. I knew my faith wasn't to be with Amane it was to be with someone else. Someone that I met when I was little but don't have a great memory of them.

"Fine then refuse, but." He lays a hand on my shoulder as he walks by and whispers in my ear. "When the time comes there will be blood because of your actions. Anyways take care Nene, I'll be sure to let him know that your back in tokyo~." After he said that he left me alone in the hallway.

I fell down to the floor feeling useless. I couldn't stand up to him nor could I obey. I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me so I should just run away. Run away and go where though? You can't Nene..

"WHY DID ALL OF THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN! ALL I WANTED WAS TO LIVE MY BEST LIFE WITH THE PERSON I LOVE AN HAVE A FAMILY! Not the opposite..." I had yelled out loud to the top of my lungs bursting out with tears.



The crying girl looked up at the boy that had said her name. He had looked shocked as of what he had just heard from hear.

"Amane-kun.." she mumbled "AMANE-KUN!" She yelled as she got up from the floor running up to him hugging him once she had gotten close to him.

"Hey Yashiro-San it's ok I'm here now.. there's no need to cry anymore." He said hugging her back gently stroking her hair trying to calm the crying girl down.

"We need to talk.." she was able to stop crying long enough to say those 4 words. "Shh, don't say another word. Just close your eyes and relax I'll tell you when you can open them again." He placed a kiss on her forehead.

She nodded in agreement closing her eyes relaxing herself. He picked her up in bridal style as he did he noticed one of his supervisors behind him.

"Did you forget you have vocal practice mr.Yugi." the supervisor said in a really tick off mood. "I'll do it in my dressing room, besides I wanna be alone with my girlfriend at the current moment." Amane said as he began to walk the direction towards his dressing room. The supervisor sign in annoyance as he went the opposite way.

Amane dressing room

Somehow on the walk to his dressing room Yashiro had fallen asleep.

Amane was sitting on the couch that was in his dressing room Yashiro on his lap sleeping peacefully until she woke up from an nightmare. She woke up scared, her heart beating fast as if it was going to pop out. She was breathing heavily.

Amane looked at her wide eyed as he as he was shocked by her randomly waking up. "Yashiro calm down it was only a nightmare nothing real." Amane said trying to calm her down the best he could.

"Ur right it was nothing real.. yet it felt so real." Yashiro said as she looked down at her feet. Amane rubbed her back with one hand while the other intertwined their fingers together. "Wasn't there something you wanted to talk about Yashiro?"

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