"That's right darling. That way I can do this whenever the fuck I want."

His raspy words chilled my soul as I felt him slowly push himself deep into me.

I let out a soft moan, followed by repeatedly whispering Austin's name under my breath as he continued to grind his hips, reaching my sweet g spot with each stroke.

"Baby girl." I watched as he squeezed his eyes shut while he indulged his delicious cock further into my core.

I felt beads of sweat forming along my forehead as I scratched my nails along his back. My head pressed against the softness of the pillow as Austin's head dipped down between my breasts, leaving wet kisses along my skin. His one hand found its way to pin my wrists above my head while the other wickedly slid between my legs, his thumb circling my sensitive clit as he drove me deeper to the brim of the darkest ecstasy.

"Oh my God Austin." I mumbled as my eyes rolled backwards into my head, dwelling in a cloud of pleasure as Austin watched me with pure awe in his irises.


He whispered, intriguing me into a territory that we hadn't visited before. We were always trying our best to stay quiet, never wanting to be heard by anyone else in the house.

But I was his girl now. And he no longer wanted to hide it.

"I want to hear you Lena. I want everyone to fucking hear you."

His words nearly dragged my orgasm out of me as his thumb was furiously assaulting my clit while he plunged further into me, pounding much harder and determined than before.

"Right fucking there, please I'm so close." My hand found Austin's curls as I pulled passionately at the brown locks and shamelessly begged him to make me cum.

"Fuck fuck I'm cumming baby." I nearly screamed as my orgasm nearly tore through me, electrifying my entire body. Multiple profanities poured from mouth as I felt Austin begin to spill into me, leaving us both shaken and struggling for breaths.

He almost immediately collapsed onto me, his damp curls tickling the crook of my neck as he placed the softest of kisses between my breasts.

My eyes became heavy as our bodies melted together on top of the white sheets, both of us drifting back into a slumber of sleep. 

"I can't wait to spend forever with you Lena."

His words opened my eyes and spread a lazy smile across my lips as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I can't wait either baby." I mumbled.


I laid awake for a few wholesome minutes as I watched Austin quietly sleep next to me. His lips were just barely parted and his arm slung loosely over my bare torso.

He looked so calm and at ease, like all of his troubles were vanished and even non existent as we laid wrapped up in his sheets and tucked away into our safe bubble.

I rubbed the remaining sleep out of my eyes before I placed a soft kiss on Austin's forehead, then carefully slipping out of his grasp to take a much needed hot shower.

I pulled on his tee shirt and decided it was best to get ready in my own room, since all of my clothes were still in there.

I tiptoed across the floor, not wanting to wake my prince charming and I made a quick escape to the hallway, pulling the door shut behind me.

My not so graceful actions ended up with my clumsy self crashing right into Chris's chest.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry Chris, I didn't see you there." I fumbled over my words as my cheeks became hot with slight embarrassment.

I knew I had nothing to be ashamed of, as Austin and I were no longer trying to hide. But it was going to take some getting used to, now that the entire team would now learn about us.

Chris glanced down at the shirt Austin was wearing the night before, now draping loosely over my body before he dragged his eyes up to my face, almost as if he were avoiding my eyes.

"L-Lena." He stuttered, as I internally rolled my eyes at his reaction.

He was probably piecing together the fact that I was leaving Austin's room, in his clothes, with my hair looking more wild that ever.

"Look Chris-" I began, ready to just flat out confess that I indeed was dating Austin. But his words stopped me in my tracks and left my jaw to nearly drop to the floor.

"Did you want to have sex with him?"

"Excuse me?" I responded, suddenly warped into a state of confusion.

"Austin. Did he take advantage of you last night? He was really drunk and I came downstairs to check on you and I saw his belt around your wrists while you-" 

I almost choked on my spit as I was in disbelief that Chris had seen me doing unspeakable things to the man I loved.

"You saw us?" I asked in complete shock as I was caught off guard at his unexpected words.

"Well I was worried he was going to try something with you and I wanted to make sure you were okay but-"

I softly began to chuckle at the fact that Chris had some sort of idea that Austin drunkenly tricked me into having sex with him.

"Chris I appreciate your concern but what happens between me and Austin really isn't any of your business."

I went on, no longer giving a fuck what he thought about me or my relationship with Austin for that matter.

"But to answer your question, yes I did want to have sex with him. I only want to have sex with him."

I could tell my words stung and the more I went on, I was only pouring more alcohol on his wound. But I didn't care, because he couldn't seem to get it through his skull that I was Austin's girl. So maybe now he would finally get the message.

His stare continued to burn through me as I gave him an amused look, a little smirk fighting it's way from forming at my lips.

I pushed past him, to make my way into my room, but not without turning around to get in my last words.

As soon as they left my mouth, his expression instantly dropped as he was now speechless, unsure what to say at my bold statement.

"Oh and just to make things clear, his belt was tied around my wrists because he knows it makes me cum harder when he fucks me."

And with that, I turned on my heels, finally making my way to my bedroom. 

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now