The Chamber of Secrets

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Henry felt a shiver crawl down his spine as he approached the stone statue of Salazar Slytherin. With the hilt of the sword he hit the stone statue and ran. He heard the slithering of the huge Basilisk and felt his heart beat so fast it could have run on its own.

He heard the slithering of a huge scaly beast behind him. He slipped into a small crevice between two snake statues and waited for the Basilisk to approach. When he heard it get close he swiped the sword and felt as it went through something. The Basilisk hissed, and against all better reason, Henry opened his eyes.

The Basilisk had a cut just below its head, making it writhe in pain. Henry shut his eyes quickly and ran to the entrance of the tunnel. The Basilisk followed him at full speed. Henry stopped at the wall, and as it stopped in front of him, and coiled up. He was in a position where he could jum out of the way. The Basilisk hissed at him. He lunged to the side and heard a loud 'bang' as the Basilisk's head collided with the stone wall.

Henry got out his wand, and remembered something. The only thing, other than killing it by stabbing, that could kill the Basilisk was a rooster's cry. Harry had told him that all the roosters had been slaughtered! Of course! He focused on his wand, and closed his eyes.

"Accio Rooster!" Shouted Henry. Just then he remembered all the vaults and doors that the rooster wouldn't be able to notice and sighed. The rooster wouldn't work, he'll have to go the messy way.

Henry picked up his stone sword he had dropped while getting his wand and held it close to him. He was sweating profusely and had the overwhelming feeling of dread build up in his throat. If he didn't kill this monster, Tom would use it to kill Myrtle, which would result in him 'purifying' the school. He needed to do this.

He heard as the Basilisk approached and ran. He ran to the far corner of the chamber, right by the statue. His eyes opened momentarily and he looked at the statue. He could climb up the statue! He ran towards the statue and started to climb. A flash of scales shone from out of the corner of his eye and he began to climb quicker.

His foot slipped on one of the holds and he held on to the statue with his hands. The sharp piece of rock slashed across the Basilisk's face, and it hissed once more. It couldn't see. Henry, with new determination, started to climb up the statue once more. He saw as the Basilisk approached again, this time, he didn't have to close his eyes, because it could no longer see, and had no chance to kill or petrify by stare.

He climbed atop the statue and watched as the Basilisk veered up. The Basilisk was just below him. Henry gulped and jumped onto it. He held the sword in both hands, the blade pointing downwards. He plunged the sword on the top of the Basilisk's head. The Basilisk hissed in pain and started to fall, making Henry lose balance. He slipped down its back and landed on the ground just as it fell, lifeless, on the floor.

Henry sat on the floor for another couple minutes, before deciding it would be time for him to go back. He swished his wand, and felt as he floated upwards, up the opening and stopped at the sinks.

He listened closely for a couple minutes, and when he heard nothing, he, once again, whispered 'open' in parseltongue. The sinks lowered and Henry stepped out exhausted. Luckily he was just in time for his next class, History of Magic.

— —

After Henry's adventure he wished to never complete again, he got his History of Magic textbook, his quill and ink still somehow intact. He whispered a cleaning spell which cleaned off his clothes, skin and hair from all the dust and grime. Just before he left, Celery came up to him and rubbed against his arm.

Suddenly, Henry remembered his earlier interaction with Celery. Celery had written something. Henry swallowed a lump in his throat and told himself that his cat wasn't the only one. He is a part of the wizarding world! I'm sure there is someone out there whose cat is like Celery.

Henry sighed and patted Celery on the head affectionately before running off to his next and last class of the day.

Henry was very exhausted, but he couldn't let it show. Tom was already suspicious of him, if he was exhausted and full of sweat and grime... that would look even more suspicious. Thankfully, due to his spell, his hair was clean from dust, and his robes were clean.

Henry arrived at class just before the bell rang. The only seat available was... next to Tom. Henry took in a deep breath and went to sit next to Tom, who gave him a look that made the hair on his neck stand up.

For Henry, the History class didn't pass fast enough. He had taken only a few notes, whereas Tom had copied every word said down in his book. Henry felt the urge to roll his eyes, but decided against it.

The rest of the class was a bore, and so when the class finally ended, practically everyone was ready to go. Tom didn't seem as though he was in much of a rush. Henry gulped when he thought about Tom finding the Basilisk dead.

Hopefully, this wouldn't backfire. He needed to focus on getting close to Tom, so that, hopefully, he can prevent future events. So he could save Harry from his grief of having no parents, and Tom from himself.

He had to get close to Tom, he had to. Maybe, if he joined his little group he would get closer to Tom and know what he was planning. Then, he could try to prevent such actions.

He had to join the Death Eaters. He must save Tom Riddle and the future wizarding population ...

Wow ... no pressure ...

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