The Duel Pt. 1

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Henry and the rest of the Slytherin's were guided to their common room. They travelled down to the dungeon and stopped in front of a sealed door. The prefects announced the password to them after they were inside the common room.

The common room was stunning. The windows were a tinted green where you could see the shadow of the giant squid swimming around occasionally. And the rest of the common room was very rock. The couches were all black leather couches. It was very nice.

Henry and the rest of the boys were led up to the boys dormitory and the girls to their dormitory. Henry found his dorm that he would share with 3 other boys. Those three other boys ended up being Abraxas Malfoy, Antonin Dolohov and Tom Riddle. He went into the room and saw his trunk on the second bed from the left. The room was a big square so there were two beds on each side of the wall. Two on the left, two on the right. He saw Tom approach the one opposite him and cursed internally.

After getting changed into his pajama pants with his chest bare, he organized his clothes. After the tedious job of organizing he went to bed, but like always he didn't sleep. He left his curtains open, and pet Celery who was snoozing on his chest.

"You're not going to sleep?" Abraxas asked skeptically. Henry looked to the bed next to him.

"No. I will just read a bit more. Study, learn, relax." Abraxas chuckled and then rolled to his side, his back facing Henry. Celery looked up at him and jumped on his pillow, curling up next to him. He saw Tom close his curtains, and he decided to do the same.

The night passed by, and Henry had read and completed reading his spell book, memorizing every spell. He had completed reading Pride and Prejustice, The Hobbit, and The Call of the Wild.

— —

At 6:30 Henry had already showered and was changing when Tom came out of the shower. Henry couldn't help but look at his defined upper body. He looked away quickly when Tom caught him staring and smirked. His face grew red in embarrassment.

"A-are you going to the G-great Hall?" Henry stuttered, cheeks still pink in embarrassment. Tom nodded, but didn't say anything, lowering Henry's mood slightly. "Are you possibly going to the Library afterwards? I do not know the way there." Henry said. He wasn't lying either. The part of the castle with the library was broken. This time, he didn't nod at all, he just left.

Henry begrudgingly followed Tom, who led him to the Great Hall. During their walk he became happier. He saw a bunch of paintings whom he greeted. There were some ghosts, like Nearly Headless Nick who were very sweet. By the time he finished talking with him, Tom had gone.

Honestly, Henry was not surprised. He turned to Nearly Headless Nick and asked for directions to both the Great Hall and the Library. Henry was very pissed off at Tom. He hadn't expected any better, but he was still very pissed.

As Henry made it to the Great Hall, many people were already there. He caught sight of Tom, but decided to ignore them. As he was walking down the aisle between the Slytherin table and the Ravenclaw table, a girl tripped and fell.

Henry caught her by her back and she was blushing a whole bunch. He smiled kindly and looked at her eyes, which were a captivating orange. "Are you okay?" He asked sweetly, making the girl blush more, making him smile wider. He lifted her up slowly so she didn't get a whiplash.

"I-i'm Alison." The beautiful girl said. Henry smiled.

"I'm Henry. Henry Simmons." He said politely. The girl blushed once more.

"I know" she giggled. He smiled and excused himself.

Henry noticed that practically the whole school was watching them. He ignored them and sat at the far end of the Slytherin table. He took himself a small piece of bread and some watermelon slices.

After he finished eating he went to the library. He passed many paintings, and greeted them all politely. When he finally reached the Library he let out a sigh of relief.

He looked through the different books when a certain book caught his eye. He made his way towards it and gingerly took it out of the shelf. It was a dueling book. Before opening the book and reading it he went down to the Great Hall once more.

He sat down in his same spot in the Great Hall. He saw Tom looking at him curiously and suspiciously. Henry inhaled a shaky breath. He watched as his head slowly turned to Abraxas who was speaking to him.

Henry decided to start reading his book. The first page explained what dueling was.

A wizard's duel is a formal practice in wizarding culture in which two or more wizards or witches engage in combat under the condition that only magical means can be used. The combatants face each other and bow, as a sign of respect, before they place themselves in an accepted combative position and, at the count of three, attempt to disarm, stun, injure, defeat, or kill each other in order to force submission, and thus a winner is decided.

Duelling also exists as a sport in the same way that fencing is a sport in the Muggle world. Outside of actual combat it can be turned into a friendly sporting competition.

Henry continued reading, immersed in the book. By the time the owls came with the schedules he had already finished over half of the 564 page book.

He grabbed his schedule and read through it.


Dark Arts - Defense Against Dark Arts

Free -

History of Magic






Study of Ancient Runes


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Care of Magical Creatures

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So the first class he had was Defense Against the Dark Arts. He got up and went to the common room. He didn't have a bag, so he carried his text books for his classes today. He put his quill, leather bound book and ink in his robe pocket.

He arrived to class just on time. And was rather out of breath, but didn't show it. He saw a plump man with grey hair up front. He recognizes him, it was their Head of House, Horace Slughorn.

"Ah, you must be Henry! I heard quite the gossip about you! Uhm, where to put you ... Ah! There! Right next to Mr. Riddle! Come take a seat we shall start." He said exuberantly. Henry took a seat reluctantly.

"Now, I am your Potions Professor, but, due to Ms. Sanders being unable to come today, I took her place." He took a breath of air and looked around at the students, beaming at Tom, who smiled back politely.

"We will be doing a duel as Ms. Sanders requested it. Now there will be no maiming or hurting. Hurting will be kept to a minimum. This means cuts and small blisters are okay. The pairs will be up on the board."

Everyone gathered around the board to see who was with who, Henry went to the side, avoiding the crowd and much to his disdain, read the partnerings.

He was put with Tom Riddle. Of course.

The Bird - Tom Riddle x Male OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora