A New Beginning

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"Henry Simmons", the Headmistress McGonagall called to a boy, about 17 years of age. He was the girls' favorite, the 'chick magnet' of the year. Everyone loved him. What wasn't to love? He was polite, hot, cute, tall and sweet. At least that's what everyone sees. Truly, he was very ambitious and cunning. Yes, he was polite and sweet, but incredibly ambitious.

The sorting hat still decided to put him in Hufflepuff, but he knew he was no Hufflepuff. He had nothing against them, he thought they had it best out of most of the houses. They could go to the kitchen anytime!

Henry walked up to McGonagall who was smiling at him proudly. Henry was going to hug McGonagall when he saw something, a spell, soar slowly to McGonagall. Only thanks to his incredible observation skills was he able to notice it.

Everything slowed down around him, and himself included. At least that was how he felt. He turned himself and McGonagall around so that McGonagall was facing the opposite way. Henry felt as something hit him in the back. McGonagall gasped as she realized why he had turned them around. All the students watched horrified as Henry fell to his knees.

Henry started to fade rapidly, as he lay unconscious on the ground. McGonagall was shooting spells at whoever attempted to attack her. He completely vanished before McGonagall could at least identify the spell shot. That day was one of grief for their dearest Henry. He had no family left to mourn over him, but his closest friends and classmates mourned.

Little did they know, he was in a completely different time, not dead.

— —

Henry awoke on the ground of a dirt path in the middle of nowhere. Around him was green grass, so green it became super distracting. In front and behind him was a bumpy dirt path. There were barely any tire marks on the dirt, there were more hoof markings. He noticed that the hoof prints were still fresh, not eroded a single bit. The hoofs were also facing Northwest, going up the path.

Not knowing where he was, he decided to follow the hoof tracks. He looked at the ground the whole time, looking for the next hoof mark. Only then did he notice he was not as tall as he would normally be. He was still very tall, but not as tall as he was before he was shot with the spell. Henry had the feeling he was just newly 15-years-old.

He had the black wizards' robes on, similar to the ones he was supposed to graduate in. Except, there were no house colors on it, it was just black. He huffed in frustration and confusion and followed the tracks.

It was late in the afternoon when he arrived at a village. He saw an owl about 10 feet above him and stopped to see if the owl would fly down to him. Which was exactly what it did. In its beak, it carried a letter. The letter was sealed with the Hogwarts emblem. He already had a feeling this was an acceptance letter. He took the letter and the owl jumped onto his shoulder. He smiled and raised his right and to stroke the owl, when he saw his ring was still on his pointer finger.

The ring he always wore was a thick aluminum ring with the words 'Mein Schatz' carved into the inside of the ring. 'Mein Schatz' is German for 'My Dear'. He got this from his mother who passed away due to cancer when he was 8-years-old. His mother was a lot like him. He got most of his features from her. He got his freckles, light brown wavy hair and warm brown eyes from her. From his father he had the sharp jawline and his height. Currently he was about 5'8" and had more to grow.

As he walked past the old-fashioned houses, he noticed that the people walking past him all wore very old fashioned clothes. The men wore suits with big hats and a cane (occasionally), and the women wore dresses of many different styles, but none shorter than up to the knees.

He walked past a newspaper stand when one of the newspapers caught his eye. Not the title or the articles, no, the date. It was July 1st, 1941. Henry felt his heart start racing and could feel the panic rising up his throat. He had gone back in time and became younger! On top of that he was accepted into Hogwarts! What excuse was he going to make? 'Hey, I came from the future and have no idea why i'm here' ... no that's stupid. He wasn't dumb, in fact he was abnormally smart.

After thinking, calming himself and walking for about 20 minutes he came up with an excuse. He was homeschooled his whole life and when his parents died he continued his studies outside of school until he decided it would be of his best interest to join. Now that was a good excuse. All he had to do was act the part, which wouldn't be so hard since he did dearly miss his parents.

He stopped in front of an all to familiar shop. 'The Leaky Cauldron'. Its sign was in much better shape and the pain looked rather new. The owl now decided to leave, and flew off to wherever it wanted. He sighed and dusted off his robes and ruffled his hair, which aligned perfectly, giving him a both hot and cute look. Before entering he took one look at his ring, just to make sure he hadn't lost it within the last 20 minutes. Which he hadn't. It was still perfectly placed on his long skinny pointer finger.

He walked to the wall outside the bar and pressed the designated bricks. The wall opened, fascinating him once more. After watching all the bricks move he entered.

He was in Diagon Alley.

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