eddie felt a horrible pain on his chest while seeing his crush getting beat up. 'he has to have a plan. this can not be it.' eddie told himself.

but the seconds passed by and the scene didn't change.

it wasn't until someone spoke up when he could finally breathe.

"hey! get away from him!" Beverly stood up.

Henry looked away from richie and glazed at the beautiful girl.

"or what?"

then, somebody threw a pebble at him. Henry screamed madly and looked for his offender.

"who the fuck-"

"i-it was me." bill said walking in front of the crowd.

bill looked at the richie's fucked up face and then gulped. beverly also copied him and stood next to him. so did Stanley.

"look at the losers club over there." Henry scoffed. "are you going to help your faggot friend because he's to weak he can't defend himself?"

the losers looked at each other clueless on what to do now when another voice spoke up.

"did i tell you i fucked your mom?" richie said softly and spitting blood of his mouth.

Henry was going to punch him again when another pebble hit him. and another... and another...

"stop it!" Henry said angrily. "this isn't fair."

"it's not my fault you don't have any friends, bowers!" Stan yelled.

and he was kinda right. neither victor, belch, patrick or Mike showed up to the fight.

"fuck you!" Henry said running away from the rock fight. "fuck all of you!"

when he was finally gone, all the audience started whispering to each other and in less than ten minutes they were all gone.

richie was still on the floor when bev, stan and bill ran towards him and tried to help him.

eddie just stared there, on the distance, next to ben eating popcorn, and watching the scene wishing he could be next to richie to help him.

"shit richie. are you dumb?" bev told him while cleaning his face with a tissue.

"oh, so you can call him dumb but i can't?" stan objected.

richie smiled shyly but suddenly regret it because the action hurt so much.

"he needs me-medical help and we d-d-don't have the su-supplies for that." bill said.

they all sighed and looked away when suddenly noticed eddie and ben staring there.

"hey guys." bev said caressing richie's dirty hair. "can you help us?"

eddie gulped. and so did ben, who instantly threw his popcorn away.

"p-please..." bill insisted.

eddie knew he could help. one hour before the fight he put most of his medical supplies inside a fanny pack in case richie would need help. and now it was his moment to shine.

so he nodded and walked towards them.

"he's hurt badly..." eddie noticed once he kneeled next to him.

"we know." stan said. "do you have any-"

"believe me when i say I've got everything." eddie said unzipping his fanny pack. "i'm kind of a germ phobic so yes."

eddie looked down at richie's hurt face and took out a bandage from his fanny pack.
he started cure him when richie spoke.

"glad i got to meet you before i died." he joked.

eddie giggled and kept spilling alcohol on his bruises. once his face was clean, eddie noticed he had a split lip and a black eye.

"can you go get me something?" eddie asked.

"jesus! what do you need?" ben said, worried.

"go get my bifocals." eddie answered, still focused on richie.

ben looked around.

"i hid 'em in my second fanny pack." eddie talked again.

"why do you have two fanny packs?" stan joined, curious.

"i need to focus right now and it's a long story."

ben got them and handed to eddie.


15 minutes later

richie was still hurt but he was feeling better after eddie helped him.

the losers were all gone now, including ben, and eddie was walking richie home. even though richie told him a lot of times he was feeling okay now, he still staggered when walking so eddie wasn't so sure.

"i didn't know we were practically neighbors." richie said, breaking the ice.

the streets were incredibly silence.

"well, i technically live a few streets away but-"

"that's my house." richie informed stopping in front of a modest house.

eddie did the same.

"oh, well then-"

"wanna come in?"

eddie was paralyzed.

"i-i actually need to be home by 9 p.m. so-"

richie walked to his house and opened the front door widely.

"that's in a half an hour." he told him turning around at him. "your house can't be more than 5 minutes away from here."

eddie looked at his coffee eyes and sighed.

"you're right. but my mom-"

"please. just ten minutes." richie begged. "you literally saved my life. i just want to thank you."

the teenagers stared at each other until eddie gave up.

"fine." he said slowly walking to his house. "ten minutes."

"whatever you say, eds."

eddie rolled his eyes at the nickname but the secretly loved it.

maybe his feelings weren't as one-sided as he thought.

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