The Visit

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There he was again, standing completely tall and still directly outside my bedroom window in this breezy midnight. His eyes piercing through into the starry sky, whilst he leaned his broad back onto the fence that surrounded his garden.

Certain times in the past, I tried to provoke a reaction from him by opening my window, just so I can let him know that his music was obnoxiously loud. Though, he didn't care. In fact I was sure he knew that I was there. I opened my window once, leaned forward and then squinted at him. I stupidly thought the figure I was looking at was a fox instead. But it was him, again. I still remember how he came forth slightly as if to take a better look at me, then smiled and parted his lips as though to say something but stopped himself and left.

That too was the first time I had a better look at him, as I only ever saw this mysterious neighbour pace out at night time. His hair was pitch black and fell down to his chiselled jawline. His nose stood tall though it was fairly thin and completely symmetrical. His lips were an abnormally ruby red and full. As for his eyes, I assumed they were brown but they changed colour as he walked closer into an almost colourless blue. He was hauntingly beautiful.

It was after this incident that he suddenly favoured to stand facing outside my window instead, most nights it almost seemed like he was just waiting for me to show interest in his existence. I'd realised this because as soon as I would switch off my lamp he too would be gone, it was like his queue to leave. I believe he presumed I would therefore be asleep and thus won't interact with him. I guess he had no idea about my insomnia.

Id gathered enough evidence by then to suspect that he was no ordinary human but instead, a vampire. Though one thing I was still to comprehend was why would a vampire want anything to do with me... since sucking my blood wasn't on his menu.

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