She smiled fondly at ger two mpst constant visitors. "Who would have thought a day would come when Harry would be asking to stay with Draco?"

"Oh please ma'am! At the beginning of this year you told me that these two should get married already," Hermione said making everyone laugh and the two boys blush.

An elf showed up with Harry's necessities and night clothes so the two could spend the night in the infirmary.

~time skip~

It was May now and Harry and Draco were studying in their library. The N.E.W.T.S. were just on their heads as they started in June.

An elf apparated right next to Draco startling him to jump in his seat and making Harry chuckle. He turned to his boyfriend with a pretend glare on his face.

"Scared Malfoy?" Harry asked. "You wish," Draco replied trying to hide his smile.

Draco turned to the elf and looked at him expectantly. "Headmistress wants to see you both in her office," the elf said.
"Thank you we will just go," Draco told the elf as the two of them packed up their things.

"Do you know why she's calling us?" Harry asked Draco as they made their way to her office.   "No," Draco said and shook his head.

"Dumbledore," Harry said to the Gargoyles as they shifted to reveal the moving staircase.

"Good Evening Headmistress," Draco and Harry greeted as they arrived. Proffessor Slughorn and Proffessor Shwitz were there too. "Take a seat," Mcgonnagal said and they sat down on the two chairs that appeared.

"I called you here to offer you a job," Draco and Harry looked at each other. Draco hadn't even thought about a job. He was sure he wouldn't be able to get a job easily and now a job offer stood in front of him. He couldn't tell what Harry was thinking as the two turned around to her.

"Proffessor Slughorn and Proffessor Shwitz have decided to retire after another year. So we want you to fill their spots. If you choose to take the job you will be apprenticing under the two professors for next year and then taking up their posts. Of course you must score the highest grades in your own subject. I believe you know who will teach what," the headmistress explained.

Harry and Draco looked at each other again. Draco though was confused, won't the parents have a problem with an ex Death Eater teaching their children and he voiced the concern.

"Mr. Malfoy you almost lost your own life trying to save Mr. Potter, the parents won't mind." Draco wasn't so sure but that would have to do because he knew he would take the job.

"You have a week to decide, boys" Mcgonnagal said and the two thanked her for the offer before leaving the office.

"So?" Harry asked as they walked out. "I think I'll take the job," he replied.
"What about you?" Draco asked. "I think I'll take it too but I'll have to talk to Ron first. We had plans of becoming Aurors together and I have actually been thinking about not becoming an Auror for a while now," Harry said.

"You should do whatever you want to do Harry," Draco told his boyfriend who smiled and nodded.

After two days Harry finally agreed to talk to Ron and Hermione about the job offer and he decided to tell them when the whole friend group planned on meeting up to study.

"Uh Ron Mcgonnagal offered me a job as DADA professor and I think I will take it," Harry said a little nervously.

"That's great mate," Ron said and smiled. "Even I was thinking about becoming an auror but I realised I can't handle such a happening job, too many memories, I will work with George at the shop."

Harry smiled and hugged Ron and then asked Hermione if she was planning to work at the Ministry. "Don't you remember? I intend on doing some good in the world," she said laughing. "I have actually been helping Madam Pomfrey and training to become a healer."

Draco smiled, Harry looked so happy and at peace. He wrapped his arms around Harry's waist from behind and rested his chin on Harry's shoulder.

They told the Headmistress that they will take the jobs and were informed that even Neville would be taking up as Herbology professor with them.

Pansy and Luna decided to start a salon together while Ginny got recruited to the Holyhead Harpies to play chaser.

~time skip~

"Happy Birthday Kitten!" Harry said as the clock struck 12 and the two boys kissed.

"Come with me," Harry said as he pulled Draco out of bed and handed him his robes. He wore them and then  followed Harry out of their dorm and two the common room which was decorated with lights and streamers. "Happy Birthday!" All his friends screamed as they came over to hug him and wish him.

"Whose idea was this?" Draco asked. "Mine," Harry said from behind him. "You are the best boyfriend ever," Draco said as he hugged the raven haired boy.

They had fun the whole night dancing and drinking until they couldn't anymore and then they returned to their rooms.

Draco changed into a cleaner set of night clothes and lied down on his bed next to Harry. They didn't say anything to each other and when Draco thought Harry had fallen asleep the boy spoke.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked. "Just what happens now. I ran we have our N.E.W.T.S. and then our jobs but what happens to us?" Draco said looking at his boyfriend.

"Do you want to move in together? I mean you don't have to of course, it's your wish but you know we'll be working together anyway and we have stayed together for most of the year already. And I don't want to live alone at Grimmauld Place and it would be goo-"

Draco cut off Harry's rambling with a kiss who instantly kissed back. After a few seconds Draco pulled away and looked at Harry feeling only love for the boy on front of him.

"I would love to."


So how was the chapter?
Honestly I was thinking to end the story here but then I decided that I wanted to write about everyone's marriage and give this a proper epilogue so this is not the end just yet.

Also I have exams soon so I won't be updating till the end of this month.

Don't forget to vote and comment!
Loads of love,
x18potterheadx ❤

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