『 3 』

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Kihyun closed his eyes and then he crossed his finger and tried to communicate with his soulmate. "Hi," he started. "I don't know if you're there but I hope you'll receive this and reply back to me."

Silence filled the room as they waited for Kihyun to receive anything from his soulmate.

Kihyun lost hope that his other half will reply and then he received something in his head. "Kihyun?"

Kihyun hesitated to reply because he didn't tell his soulmate his own name, "Yeah?"

"Kihyun!" a voice called out. Kihyun thought that it was from his head but it wasn't.

He opened his eyes and saw Shownu standing in front of him. The older pulled him into a very tight embrace.

"I found you." the older cheered.

They shared a sweet moment until the bitter one interrupted, "Great!" he cheered sarcastically.

"Shh~ let the two have their moment," Minhyuk commanded.

Hyungwon rolled his eyes before turning back to the photo that they saw earlier.

The longer he stared at the photo, the man on the photograph started to look like him.

"Hyungwon!" his friends yelled, trying to get his attention but it didn't work because he zoned out.

"He's probably thinking about sleeping again." Kihyun blurted.

"I think he's already sleeping." Jooheon chuckled.

Hyungwon blinked a couple of times before going back to his senses, "Yah! I heard what you said."

"Heard what?" Jooheon giggled.

"Nevermind" Hyungwon sighed, "I'm going back to my place......Minhyuk, mind teleporting me there?"

It's very unusual for Hyungwon to not respond back when someone teases him. Minhyuk gazed at his friends who are signaling him to follow what the latter wants.

Minhyuk hugged the latter and teleported him back to his condominium.

"Thanks" the latter weakly walked to his bed where he threw himself on.

Minhyuk tried to find the right words to say but nothing came up so he simply went back to MX7.

"What happened?" Jooheon asked.

"I don't know......" Minhyuk replied.

Kihyun looked at the other's faces and they were extremely worried about the latter, "Okay, fine.......let's go to his place......it'll be quick."

Minhyuk teleported back to the condominium where Hyungwon was staring into space.

"Speak up," Kihyun commanded.

Hyungwon was surprised when he realized that he wasn't alone, "What do you mean?"

"Why are you so quiet? Please, tell us." Minhyuk pleaded.

"Nothing.......go back to your game....." Hyungwon replied.

The two sighed in relief and decided to leave the latter alone.

Hyungwon himself didn't know why he suddenly felt like this. He simply stared at the man on the frame then he turned like this.

Maybe I should talk to my soulmate. There's no harm in trying, right?

He slowly closed his eyes while crossing his fingers. He didn't know what to say to his soulmate so he simply went with a thee basic "Hi".

He waited for a little bit before he heard a reply, " Hi? Is someone there?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Oh, hi...I'm your soulmate." his soulmate replied

"Yeah, yes you're. What's your name?" Hyungwon asked.

"Hoseok, Lee Hoseok. How about you?"

"My name is Chae Hyungwon."

"Chae Hyungwon? Isn't that the famous model?" the latter asked.


"Oh, I can't believe that my soulma-" his soulmate seemed to be cut off.

"Hi, are you there?" Hyungwon tried to communicate to his soulmate one last time but nothing happened.

It's getting late, maybe he fell asleep.

He turned over to the other side of the bed and then he immediately fell asleep.

The next morning, Hyungwon was sound asleep until Minhyuk decided to bug him to get up. "Hyungwon-ah, wake up." Minhyuk pleaded as he started to shake the younger to wake up.

"What?!" the younger yelled in annoyance.

"Let's eat" the older replied.

"Sing a song then."

"Okay," Minhyuk smirked before he started to sing. His voice was good until he purposely messed up the tones to bug the latter off.

"Just, shut up and let me sleep." the younger exclaimed before throwing some pillows on the older.

"You're back!" the older pulled the younger into a hug.

"What do you mean "back"?"

"You weren't yourself yesterday. What happened?" the older asked.

"Oh, remember the guy on the frame?"

"On the frame? Ohh, the one that looks like you? "Wonho"?" Minhyuk questioned.

"Yeah, I stared at the pic for a while then I suddenly got sad. I don't know why it happened then I got curious if the man is my soulmate so I contacted my soulmate for the first time."

"Yah! Short stuff, come here!" the older shouted loud enough for the shorter to hear from the kitchen.

"Coming!" Kihyun yelled while running into the room. "What now?"

"He talked to his soulmate!" Minhyuk exclaimed happily.

"Ohhh, so, what happened?"

"I just greeted him, and then we-" he didn't manage to finish his sentence because Kihyun interfered."He?"

"Yes, after we greeted each other, we introduce ourselves and that's about it."

"That's it? Such a lame conversation." Kihyun provoked.

"Says the one who talked to his soulmate once." Hyungwon barked back.

"Both of you, shut up. We are going somewhere, alright?" Minhyuk yelled at the two.

"Going where?" the latter yawned between words.

"You're a model, right? where do you think we're going?" Minhyuk asked, slightly annoyed.

"Oh...I thought it'll be free time or something." Hyungwon replied.

"We want free time as well but our schedule says otherwise." Kihyun sighed.

They managed to pull him out of bed and get him ready for another photoshoot.

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