Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

She held onto Dohwa's stuff for him as he changed.

"Beat his spoilt ass." He nodded

She saw Namju's stuff in an Airheads hands and hit them out of her hands into a puddle, she's used her foot to mop up the water before looking at the girl.

"Oops" SAVAGEEEE! Damnnn

Everyone cheered and she smiled and cheered for her friend. The school alarm suddenly went off and it sent everyone into a frenzy. She tried to find Dohwa but she kept getting shoved around. She was pulled into someone's side and taken outside, she looked up and Saw Kyung. Great!

"Are you okay?" He asked her looking for any injuries on the smaller female.

"Why can't you leave me alone? I'm not your girlfriend or fiancée who you should be looking for." She shoved Dohwa's clothes into Kyung's arms and went to find Danoh.


She saw Haru trying to pull the girl out the pool, immediately she dialed for an ambulance.

"Hello I need an ambulance to Seulli High-school Immediately! My friend drowned and had a heart condition please hurry!"

"We are sending one right now Miss Park stay calm and remember the life saving techniques your father taught you. Keep her alive until the ambulance arrives"

She hung up and ran to Danoh and picked her up and ran outside performing CPR on the girl. She coughed out a shit loud of water before passing out, Jang-Mi sighed and looked at Kyung who was looking at the two girls in front of him.

"An ambulance is on its way you should ride with her" he nodded and kept quiet.

The ambulance arrived and took Danoh and Kyung to the hospital, Jang-Mi held her ponding head and looked around trying to find Haru.

"Dohwa have you seen Haru?"

"He must've gone to change. How about we go to Jinmichae and get you some hangover soup?"

"That would be heaven"

The two walked off towards the cafeteria unaware of their friend who vanished from the story. They opened the doors and Jinmichae smiled at the pair.

"My,my,my if it isn't Wild Child!"

"Don't scream. Those idiot kids screamed enough in the stage, my head is pounding"

She sat at the table holding her head while Dohwa rubbed her back, Jinmichae smiled and passed her a bowl of hangover soup.

"I figured you'd need some"


Stage Jang-Mi ran into school,she was soaking wet her clothes stuck to her like a second skin. YA MR WRITER IM FREEZING! What's your deal? She walked to her locker and started shivering.

"OMO PARK JANG-MI!" She turned and saw Dohwa running towards her, he pulled a towel out his bag and wrapped it around the shivering girl. "You'll get sick like this! Where is your umbrella?"

"Li-Lily Lo-lost Ha-hers at school. So I ga-gave her mine" she shivered holding the towel around her. Dohwa pulled her into a hug and started rubbing her back to make her warm up.


"Ah Dohwa my hero" she sighed wrapping the towel around her

"You're going to get sick you idiot"

"It's not my choice it was the stupid writer"

The two bickered while Jang-Mi tried to dry her hair.

"Did you see Eun Danoh?"
"She's in her pajamas"

The two looked at each other before running off to Jang-mi's class, and there was a soaking wet Eun Danoh in hospital pajamas. Dohwa ran up to the girl who was crying.

"Danoh what's wrong?"

"Haru is gone!"

The two looked devastated at the revelation, Jang-Mi wrapped the girl in the towel and hugged her.

"Let's go see Jinmichae he will know what to do." She pulled Danoh and Dohwa to the cafeteria.

She explained what she knew to her friend, while Danoh and Dohwa sat in shock.

"He has been removed from this world, I warned him that this might happen and he done it anyway."

Upon hearing this Jang-Mi grabbed onto Danoh's hand and squeezed it, trying to comfort her friend in anyway possible.

"Then Haru was helping us knowing that this could happen?" Dohwa exclaimed.


"But you never told us that Haru could disappear" Danoh accused Jinmichae.

"Danoh-ya, Jinmi Warned us something bad would happen." She whispered gently to her friend.

"I warned you many times that everything would go wrong if you changed even one thing. You should be relieved that it's just him" Jinmichae replied and looked at Jang-Mi, who sighed as Danoh pulled her hand away.

"Wah, how could you even say that?"

"Now we don't know what will happen next because you changed the story. How far are you going to ruin this world just to save yourself?"

"Ya Jinmichae, lets not play the blame game. Danoh is going through enough" Jang-Mi scowled scrunching up her face.

"Are you saying Haru has been removed because of me?"

"Yes, because it's you who changed the story." She rubbed the Danoh's back whilst the girl cried.

After Danoh and Dohwa left, it was her and Jinmichae sitting at the table.

"You didn't have to be so cold towards her, she just lost a friend"

"You once told me that it's better to be cold that way you avoid the pain."

Jang-Mi rolled her eyes at the blonde chef.

"Yes Eun Danoh can be stubborn and she was selfish for wanting to change her fate, but wouldn't you want to do the same if you knew you were meant to die or be married to a man who didn't love you and was cheating on you? Because I know I would do the same thing she did. It's a human characteristic"

She stood up and left the cafeteria,Jinmichae sighed as he watched her leave.

"I already did try and Change my fate. You obviously don't remember" he whispered to himself as Jang-Mi was long gone.

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