chapter (9) ~Riddle's and the garden~

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Finishing some of the home work, and procrastinating on certain classes. you left the school. walking out past hagrids hut, and finally getting out of veiw of the school you came to a flower cage that entered into a garden, you smiled smelling the sweet perfumey scents. rolling your white sleeves up, starting to trim the rosses, moving to plucked the weeds throwing them aside. newt came to help, after a while getting called to dumble doors office and quickly leaving. you finished the rest, pulling out your wand. Only a few teachers, your group about knew about your garden, only trusting them with the small quiet place. not wanting other students to use it as a place to snog, or destroy.
using magic and some spells to help you equally water the flowers, take the weeds outside the small boxed area and helping some of the unbloomed flowers to bloom.
McGonagall appeared through entreance, a small smile on her face as then the two Riddles follwed after, both carrying books.
McGonagall sighed, then looked at you almost asking for you tutor the pair without speaking. Nodding rather absent mindedly, she then turnt leaving the three of you alone, clapping your gloved hands together which caused dirt and dried clumps of mud to fall. They turnt, their attention on you now taking the gloves off. "so what are we working on today?" Riddle.Sr shook his head, deep black hair shaking and shifting from the neat slicked back style. "told her we where having trouble focusing, so she brought us here!" confessing, and taking a seat on a bench that hagrid helped build (and move, lets be honest a 13 y/o isnt carrying a large bench by themself magic or not. not if hagrid has something to say about it.) Tom following suit, both seated on the enchanted bench setting their books, quills and parchment down. "hope you dont mind us here, not like were loud or anything anyways." tom sighed, already stuffing his nose into an odd coverd book.
"whats the book about tom?" you question, walking behind him to peer over only to have him close the book. "nothing you would enjoy, now please dont bother me." he smiled, and you flicked his forehead turning to Riddle.Sr as he chuckled. He let you read the books with him. after a while, you went to ask hagrid to inform filch about the garbage, then went to the dining hall using magic to carry two plates of food back to the garden. not paying attention as remus, sirius and regulus followed, you enterd putting down the palted of food while removing their papers. "stop and eat something, i can smell your brains frying." you joked, riddle.Sr gratefully eating, tom still trying to read. "where is your food, are you not eating (y/N)?" Tom looked up at you, Riddle.Sr then nudges him "he's a vampire, pretty sure he only drinks blood." you stopped, and they stared at you before watching you start to laugh. your laugh reaching the ears of the three, who came out and remus waved greeting as the others watched you laugh taken back by how you coverd you mouth then slowly stopped. "sorry, i just forget people including wizards know little about vampires." Riddle flushed, remus nodded laughing a little aswell. "i can eat, but it can make my stomach hurt." you explained, regulus then speaking up "when was your last meal of blood then?" you thought hard, your brows furrowing as you shrugged. "i dont quite remember, maybe a few moons ago?" sounding more like a question, then tom raised a brow "Are you hungry?" you stopped, listening to their hearts spike before slowly calming down. "..Not really, but yes." regulus startled you, being the one to pour out his drink setting the now empty cup on the table. Taking a glass, your moon orbs swirling red before watching him cut his hand letting the blood trickle into the emptyness. sirius and remus doing the same, the cup a little more then half way full, you healed their hands. then smelt a new blood, Riddle was cutting his hand. Adding his blood to the mixure and then holding it out to you, a smile adorning their faces "drink up (y/n)!" you took it, taking small sips feeling your fangs clank against the cup. you drank everything, tom watching you take it down like it was a juice or coffee. Tom got up, then the books neatly stacked themselves. "we should be getting back." you nodded, thanking them before walking back with them spliting up to head to your house common rooms. entering with riddle, you looked at  his hand "does it hurt?" He gave a polite smile, shaking his head tired eyes meeting yours "not particularly, but that spell you casted definitely helped." alawys speaking with that mature yet soft tone made you wonder if he was raised in one of those rich muggle places.
you bid you good night, you walked to your bed and sat down, looking out the window. "hand in the work tomorrow, wait to see if i make it to third then..have a few days to settle down, fig needs to get checked out too.." that made the cat yowl, showing his dis-satifaction with your plans. laughing, you laid down allowing both of the fluffy cats to sleep on you. "i know, but you need to go to make sure youre healthy." with that, you drifted off once again, forgetting your dirty clothes and simply dreaming about a peaceful life.

note: i might end up jumping a few chapters, or they may be short, i have a plan! sorta. but i hope everyone enjoyed. i am trying to write more detailed so its not confusing, and making (y/n) grow a close to them insted of "im instantly attracted to you!" i want them to grow, the feelings to build and for them to question it while everyone gets closer. starting to really notice their feelings while (y/n) matures, growing into his features, and he aswell starts to notice little things. 
you may have realized that ive been focused on regulus, remus, newt and the riddles more then anyone, but these guys need more love. ( i am thinking of adding bill and charlie, along with a few more)
i am working on adding credence, but i feel like dumbledoor is training him and snape is just antisocial.
anyways, you may be a little confused about the garden so let me clarify:
the garden was your own request, you had a few of the teachers and students to help you build the gazebo and had hagrid help you set the gate of flowers (to wich ended up dying). it started on your first year, slowly adding other mixtures of flowers until you got them to finally grow onto the cage and gazebo. adding lights, and the enchantment walls so wild life would not eat them.

still confused on gazebo? it looks like this but bigger, with a bench outside and chairs inside with lights handing.

the gazebo also has a window in the middle of the roof, and silk translucent drapes

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the gazebo also has a window in the middle of the roof, and silk translucent drapes. the walls around the garden is enchanted to look like open feild (many funny instances happened, including people running into it, the opening where you walk throught the cage has a password: secretum meaning secret. you can see where the doors are, you laid out some stones on either side)
the bench is also just a few feet away

now imagine the picture for this chapter connected to the exit, the gazebo close to the center and the walls decorated with more roses, hydra, salvia, some lavender, daylillies, peony and many others

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now imagine the picture for this chapter connected to the exit, the gazebo close to the center and the walls decorated with more roses, hydra, salvia, some lavender, daylillies, peony and many others.
lets say the garden is as big as a large bag yard (think like a little more then half a foot ball feild.)
some animals come and go, butterflies are common snd the occasional bee.
i am sticking close to the plot, but changing a few things, and deaths.
next chapter will be year 3!
Edit: the chapter picture may not load, so ill just put it here.

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