Meet the black haired bad boy

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Finally, Virgo arrived at my house, AND at 7:39, which is nine minutes late. As soon as we arrived at her grand house, we could already see the balloons begging to rip off the window handles. And when we entered it was even more drastic. Smashed bottle shards and corks were scattered across the floor, having to tiptoe through the mess like you would with Lego bricks. When you reached the sofa, you could see loads of teenagers, drunkly laid across it, muttering stupid things. I was taken aback, all of this mess that poor Virgo would have to clean up all by herself. The only people I couldn't see were: Libra, Aries, Leo and Scorpio. The time was 7:56 which means they literally can be here anytime. Virgo quickly dragged my hand to the kitchen island and gave me a sheet with times and games on it. 8:10, spin the bottle, 8:30, twister, 8:40, 7 minutes in heaven and 9:00 was never have I ever. I'm sure my face was knotted In confused and astounded all at the same time, and I saw Virgo notice it as well. "What do you think?" She asked, as her friend I obviously had to say it was great, so that's what I went for. When I turned around I saw Mini and Gem hovering around a Laptop screen, I saw they were playing some kind of video game. Virgo huffed, "they never come off that thing, they find the best gossip from some games you can play with other random people." I could tell she was annoyed, but then we heard the doorbell ring, there was Libra, Aries and Leo, no Scorpio. I turned my head backwards towards the drunk teens, and right in front of my eyes, there was scorpio. I took a step back but a piece of glass seared into my foot, it was agony. I didn't cry, or scream or do anything, all I said was "ouchie!" Before ripping the shard out my foot and putting it on the table I walked through, the hall, limping on my left foot. And fell down on the love seat. Virgo came running up to me and gave me a wet towel, I eyed her but took it. And it worked I guess. Virgo then rushed to the kitchen to grab another drink from the fridge and threw it at Taurus. I watched with a unique expression and just sat on the bar stool, which, surprisingly wasn't ruined. Instead of taking a note of alcohol, I took some water, swigging it like others would do with said drink. Looking back at my foot I noticed the blood had disappeared and the cut was just a scratch. Virgo, what did you put on this towel?" I asked giving her a glare. She glanced at me. She smirked, "did it work?" She asked sweetly. Scorpio sat next to me and grabbed the jug of water Virgo laid on the table. He then smashed it on the floor. Apologised to Virgo and sat on the sofa with the other drunken teens. I grumbled, the only other drink in the house was alcohol. And if your wondering, how rich Virgo is she doesn't have a water spray thing connected to her fridge. And her sink didn't have very nice fresh drinking water.

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