"Tsukauchi told me you should all be aware of who the attackers in the footage were. Therefore I will go ahead with what we know" One of the agents said once the footage finished. "A team was sent a few hours after the footage ended. The remains of Gaia's body was found but nothing else. The nomu and the container had disappeared along with Todoroki and Mushou" He explained.

"Just get to the fucking point. I won't sit here if all you got to say is that the revolution showed up just to disappear again" Bakugo interjected, making the agent slightly annoyed.

"I'm getting to it" The agent grumbled. "The only way a container could get off I-island within that timeframe would be via a cargo ship. Unfortunately, that night was a particularly busy one. There were 6 different ships that left that night between this footage and the team arriving there a few hours later. Luckily, 4 of these ships are unlikely candidates due to their destinations taking them further away from Japan. The last two however are both heading for port in Japan. The primary suspect is the Norwegian the container ship Angvik. 2 days ago after having left I-island, it scheduled a new and previously unplanned stop in Osaka. Even if none of the registered cargo needs to go there" He explained. "Therefore we recommend a joint task force to-" the agent began, but was cut off.

"It's a trap" Aizawa stated, interrupting the agent. "These people have been one step ahead of us all the time. Not to mention staying completely invisible of 8 years. Something this obvious isn't a mistake they would make. It's either a diversion or a trap to kill off any pursuers" He explained, with murmurs of agreement coming from the other heroes.

"Everyone makes mistakes eventually. And we know they had to hurry up because of Gaia, increasing the chance of making mistakes" The agent argued. "Besides, a sudden change in destination must mean that the crew has been threatened. Which would mean that we have a hostage situation on our hands" He explained.

"I see your point" Tsukauchi said. "I'll talk with a team of hero coordinators and make a taskforce that will head out to the ship. But the main goal will be determining if it is a hostage situation and if so, rescue the crew. Locating and securing the container comes after that" He stated, leaving no room for discussion.

"Our agency can agree to that" The agent replied.

"Good" Tsukauchi said with a small bow. "Everyone else can go back home. You'll be summoned tomorrow if needed" He said. The heroes then began walking out of the meeting room.

"Aizawa is right. It'll be a trap" Bakugo grumbled to Ochako.

"But if it is a hostage situation we need to do something" Ochako said.

"For all we know, the crew could be in on it" Bakugo suggested.

"The crew of a Norwegian cargo ship? Why would they be a part of the revolution?" Ochako asked.

"I don't know. I just got a bad feeling about this" Bakugo replied.

The conversation the turned silent as the heroes started heading their separate ways back home. Except Aizawa who was still on his shift.

Around the same time, a certain white-haired woman with a single horn was walking through a dark alley. She was muttering as she tried to find the way.

"You got to stop doing this" A familiar voice said from behind the girl, making her jump "You know I won't let you join" He said quite calmly.

"Don't walk up on my like that Dabi" Eri said, still recovering from the jumpscare Dabi caused. "And why not? I'm 19 now. Todoroki, Mushou and not to mention dad was younger when they started" She wondered.

"You're the one who's following clues into dark alleys" Dabi retorted. "And I won't let you join because I can't" He said. "Normally I would let you join. You're old enough and you have the devotion. It's just that..." He admitted before trailing off. "Your father left us a few orders before he passed away. Amongst those was an order to keep you, your brother, grandma and Uravity away from the revolution as long as it was feasible" Dabi explained.

"But dad is gone. He's been gone fore 8 years" Eri stated. "Can't you make an exception?" She asked.

"I can't. There are other factors in play right now" Dabi answered.

"What factors?" Eri wondered.

"I can't tell you. But if everything goes to plan then things might change" Dabi replied. "Until then, stay away from the revolution. Live a normal life with Uravity and your brother" He said and began walking away. "A life I didn't get" He added in sombre tone as he disappeared into the shadows. Leaving behind a confused Eri.

A/N: I don't really have much to say this chapter. School has begun now. So while I'll try to release at least one chapter a week in the future, I won't guarantee it. Also, a huge thank you to all the positive feedback on the first part. I was up in the clouds. Anyways, I'm hoping you're all having a wonderful day. Goodbye.

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