Chapter 19 [Completed]- A Single Paper Lantern

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He strayed behind the group as they chatted happily. He never really cared much for the festivities but came anyway because Mei had dragged him along with her. She was walking next to him, batting her eyelashes in his direction, trying her hardest to garner his attention but to no avail.

His wide eyes were locked on that sole figure dressed in red. It was such a simple satin kimono compared to the other's and Mei's ornamented silk kimono and yet it had completely drowned them all out.

The black of the koi fish that had been intricately sewn into the smooth fabric was a huge contrast to the red of the kimono's fabric and he loved it so. A simple yet delicate design which reflected your personality perfectly. You stood taller than usual in your Geta [Traditional wooden slippers that are typically worn with traditional Japanese attire such as the Kimono] atop the stairs that led to the shrine as if a goddess descended from the heavens were looking down at mere mortals, ready to pass judgement. 

Whatever judgement you had to pass...let's just say he would happily accept.

Mei grabbed his arm and linked her arm with his. He was shocked by the sudden intimate gesture and broke eye contact with you and he shot her a look of disdain. She continued to nudge him, ignoring his reluctance.

"Ne~ Noya Noya kun~ Ahhhh~" she said in a giggly high pitched tone as she attempted to feed him some takoyaki.

He pushed her away but when he looked to where you were initially standing, you were long gone with the faint clicking of the Geta echoing through the night.

All that was left was the empty shrine and Mei's disgusting face of satisfaction.


You sat on the bench as they had their practice match once again with the local volleyball club that coach Ukai had put together. You were grateful for them as they gave Karasuno the opportunity to rapidly improve their technique. You silently observed the swift movement of your teammates before carefully writing down each and every flaw. It might sound harsh but as the chance to go to nationals loomed closer, so did the fire in you grow.

You were working like clockwork the whole afternoon and before you knew it, they were done. Your eyes were exhausted from all the detailing you had done but you felt it was definitely worth it. You handed your notebook and findings over to Kiyoko for her to look over before running to catch up with the boys who were packing up their stuff.

Beads of sweat glistened against his skin as he used the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face as he ransacked through his stuff for his towel. His toned abs glistened under the light of gymnasium lights causing you to stare. You took a huge gulp when he pulled it up even higher to wipe his forehead. His gaze went up to meet yours having felt eyes on him. He tilted his head in confusion as he shot you a curious look.

"What's wrong manager san?" he asked.

You quickly fumbled before catching yourself and shutting your already gaping jaw.

"Ur..I..nothing..just URM HERE'S YOUR TOWEL!"  you tossed him his towel before running off to find Kiyoko and help her with the bottles.

He frowned in confusion before Tanaka came and patted him on the back, whispering something into his ear which made him redder than a tomato as he quickly pulled his shirt down.


He walked around the shrine, exploring it carefully. It was old but well kept as if someone had been here regularly to maintain it. He said a little prayer with his hands clasped together before moving on. He managed to slip away from Mei's vice grip and the group entirely. He was free to wander and he liked it like that.

He ran down the steps of the shrine and down the road to the right of the steps. The shrine was in the rural, less frequented part of Miyagi, atop the mountain which meant not many people knew of its existence but Nishinoya had spotted it and decided to visit in which the rest followed along to his dismay. 

He wanted to visit alone because among the wild and unkept forest, was the faint sound of the Koto [Traditional Japanese instrument]  which wafted through the forest, luring only those with a curious heart and mind.

He followed the dirt path carefully ,lit with only the glow of the moonlight  and led only by the sound of the Koto.

It drew him to a source of light at the end of the path. It was a traditional Japanese house with a zen garden right in front. He remembered when he has last seen this place. That girl was dancing to the exact same instrument and smiled to himself, having remembered the scene.

Only a small paper lantern was lit as it sat next to the older lady atop the wooden deck. She sat there behind the Koto with her eyes closed as she used her nails to carefully strum the instrument.

 The familiar scent of chamomile tea filled the air and engulfed his lungs.

A sense of nostalgia filled Nishinoya as his eyes widened at the scene before him. Hidden behind the tree, he had the perfect view of the zen garden and what was in it.


It was different than when he first saw it.

The garment was now adorned with gold beads which glowed in the moonlight and you were all made up. You h/c locks were neatly placed in a bun and adorned with all sorts of jewels and hairpins. However, one particular hairpin stuck out of your hair from the rest. It was a gold dangling ornament and at the end was silver Koi fish with ruby red eyes. It glistened and glowed red in the faint moonlight as if it were alive in a way.

You flicked your wrist roughly and the black fan opened up, revealing the intricate designs of dragons painted in red as the fan spread to its full length.

You moved to the beat of the Koto as the older woman continued to play the tune slowly. 

You swayed with the Koto, perfectly in sync and Nishinoya's breathing hitched.

You were so beautiful...

The older woman playing the Koto stopped and so did you. You, fans in hand, with one arm stretched to the full moon and the other in the opposite direction, below you. The moonlight illuminated your eyes which glowed a bright e/c.

The older woman then strummed all the strings on the Koto before playing a quick upbeat tone. She moved her body as her hands strummed the strings, shaking quickly as she played the tune.

You followed the beat effortlessly as if you've done it a thousand times and maybe you have, because every festival,you were missing and he had finally found you once again.

He was in a trance like state as he watched your every move. It was as if you were worshiping the moon with your dance. The sound of water in the background only made your performance better.

He was intoxicated by your movements.

The world drowned out around him and before he knew it, you were done. In the exact pose as before, fan and arm out, pointed to the full moon.

You were panting but smiled at the old woman who smiled back at you.

He quickly left the same way he came but not without glancing back one more time and in the night sky, among the stars, he saw...

a single paper lantern as it drifted away, helpless to the pull of the wind. 



Turns out Noya San wasn't any different than you? 

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