Part 3 and 4

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Part 3


A man that was taller than most of the seniors was outside, he held a camera in his hands as he took pictures from different angles. Photography was the man's favorite thing to do, that and listening to what people are talking about. He was as attractive as his boyfriend, but his eyes were different colors. His right brown and the other green, which freaked people out, along with the fierceness they showed. He wore sunglasses to hide his eyes, even in school he still wore them. He didn't want anyone to see his eyes, but his boyfriend knew. He was always serious, so the photographing helped calm him down. He was aggressive and had a temper, but he felt fine right then.

The black-haired boy was knelt down in the grass, there were faint scars on his cheek from past fights. He frowned, glaring into the field as he stayed crouched. He scowled a little, shaking his head. "Damn, it's windy out today." He said, his voice deep but smooth.

The boy, Jack, got to his feet. He tapped his foot, adjusting his black shirt. He tilted his head, smirked, and went back to taking pictures. Jack loved science and getting things just right. He planned on being a doctor when he got out of school so he was always trying to get the best grades, he made sure to study always and keep himself busy.

Jack didn't mind being alone, in fact, he loved it. He loved having time to himself to learn new things, also to not have to hear how 'handsome' and how 'tall' he was. He knew he was all that, but he didn't have to hear others say it over and over again. Jack grunted, reaching up to turn off his camera and stretch his arms. Jack didn't use his phone much so he never knew what time it was or what social trends there were. He didn't care enough.

He noticed no one was outside, so he assumed school was either over or had already started. Jack placed his camera into his backpack, walking back to the school. He looked around, reaching up to push up his sunglasses. He then remembered he was supposed to meet Ty, which made him sigh. He muttered a curse word under his breath and walked faster. He paused at the entrance, getting distracted by something.

Jack shook his head and went inside the building, he tugged at his jacket and kept walking. He had to move his head all the way down to see the ground right in front of him, sometimes he forgot how tall he really was. It was obvious this was Jack.

The man looked up, pausing when he saw his boyfriend with someone else. His jealousy immediately kicked in, he narrowed his eyes behind the sunglasses and got closer. Ty saw him, but he simply looked off as if he didn't want to look at him. That got Jack angrier, but he crossed his arms and kept glaring. He didn't say anything, he was watching the girl though. Jack calmed when Ty reached out to put a hand on his arm, and Jack looked off. He was annoyed by something.

He crossed his arms and sighed. "I'm Jack, nice to meet ya." He grinned a little, while Ty watched and rocked on his heels. Jack grinned a little, reaching up to pull his sunglasses down. His dual-colored eyes twinkled, and he smirked when the girl gasped at their colors.

Part 4


In a bathroom across from the school science lab, a 16-year-old girl was puking in the toilet. They had just dissected a piglet, and the smell had made her nauseous. She wiped her mouth and stood up, feeling kind of weak. She washed her face off in the sink, then started re-applying her mascara. I wonder if Ari is looking for me. Ari was Nahla's best friend, but lately she had been having different feelings for her. A closeted lesbian, Nahla would do anything to protect her secret.

When the makeup was back on, she stepped back to look in the mirror. There was no way you could tell she had just thrown up, her dark skin never showed a sickly color. With a touch up to her short curly hair, she left the bathroom.

It didn't take long to find Ari, because she was standing with an extremely tall man. When she got closer, she realized that another boy was with them. That guy who all the straight girls swooned over, with the touseled blond hair. Nahla waved, coming over to the little group of teenagers, and Ari gave her a quick wave back.

"Where were you, Nahla?" Ari asked, but her gaze was fixed on the tall guy's face. Nahla glanced at him to see what was up, and was startled to find two different color eyes. She hid her surprise, only answering Ari's question.

"Bathroom. I had to re-apply my makeup. Who are these two?" she asked, gesturing to the guys.

The blond one broke his silence. "I'm Ty, and this is my boyfriend Jack." He said the word 'boyfriend' with emphasis as if he thought that Nahla was after one of them. Haha, suckers! She thought. I'm gay too!

"Cool," she replied nonchalantly, turning to Ari. "We still getting food?"

"Yeah. Do you guys want to come with us?" she asked Ty and Jack. There was a purple streak of paint on her cheek, and Nahla just wanted to reach over and wipe it off. Instead, she played with her gold hoop earrings.

"Sure!" Ty said, lacing his fingers through Jack's hand. The tall man seemed to relax a little bit, and he nodded. Nahla slung her backpack over her shoulder and linked arms with Ari.

"How's my favorite girly?" she asked as they walked out the school doors.

Ari shrugged. "I made us some new friends," she said, nodding at the boys walking hand in hand just ahead of them.

Nahla turned to study her best friend. "You wish Ty wasn't gay, huh." Ari pretended to be looking at the clouds, but Nahla could spot her blush. "Gotcha!" She laughed when her cheeks turned a shade darker. "I'm joking. I just know you too well."

Ari nodded. "But maybe he's bi?" she asked hopefully. Nahla shrugged, but inside she felt a spark of jealousy. For some reason, Ari's gaydar was really terrible and she couldn't figure out that her BEST FRIEND was queer too. It was just like that song by Taylor Swift:

"I'm the one who makes you laugh,

When you know you're about to cry.

And I know your favorite songs,

And you tell me about your dreams,

I think I know where you belong,

I think I know it's with me.

Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you,

Been here all along so why can't you see,

You belong with me"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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