Part 1 and 2

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Part 1


A teen stood in front of his locker, his hands in the pockets of his jeans as he rocked on his feet. His boyfriend and he shared a locker, but the other man wasn't there at the moment. The blonde shook his head, his messy hair flipping over his head. The boy, Ty, looked around anxiously. He was attractive, his silver eyes adding onto his charm. C'mon Jack, where are you? You were supposed to be here an hour ago. Ty thought angrily to himself, looking around again. He soon walked away, staring at the floor and not paying attention to his surroundings.

He looked around, suddenly feeling tears in his eyes. Ty never liked being alone, he didn't have many friends even though he was social. He always thought people liked him for his looks which made him question others. He left the building, his gaze shifting towards the track course. He looked over at the football field where his twin brother and friend played during the season, the two twins never got along as much as they used to. Ty hardly saw him anymore, they mostly argued anyways.

Ty frowned, shaking his head as he started walking towards the course. Track was special for Ty, it made him able to run without having a care in the world. This time he didn't feel like moving his feet, it was hard enough to walk. He sat down in the grass, watching the birds fly in and out of the trees that lined behind the fence.

Ty tugged on his favorite black and white hoodie while he enjoyed the sounds of nature. He sighed and closed his eyes. "Don't worry, Ty. Everything will be alright, I know it will." He mumbled to himself, which always made him feel better. Ty was one to be optimistic on the outside but always was pessimistic on the inside. He ran a hand through his hair, he felt a need to get rid of his stress. Ty had been trying not to smoke anymore, but he had a lot to deal with.

He had a few things that made him happy though. He had three pet rats that he had gotten to scare his brother but had grown attached. He would let them climb all over him and interact with them. Ty loved animals, he would get angry whenever someone touched them wrong. Ty opened his eyes and looked around again, he stood up and walked back to the school. He paused to look up at the large black, bolded letters that hung from the building. Their motto written on signs plastered on the windows of the doors. 'Be the best you can be, it's always worth it to try.' Ty huffed in response, glaring at the words. Bullshit, no one here cares enough to try. He thought. Despite having good grades, Ty despised the school with much hatred. Ty scowled and walked into the place just as the bell rang for the start of the day. Only to run into someone.

Part 2


Ari gathered up her art supplies and carefully zipped them into her backpack. "Goodbye, Mr. Claude. I'll see you tomorrow!" Her art teacher gave her a friendly wave, and Ari left the classroom, ukelele over her shoulder and paint on her face. Only 5'2, Ari was tiny compared to the other high schoolers. That paired with her round glasses and big brown eyes led to everyone calling her cute, which she hated.

"Hey, Ari!" a random boy called as she passed him in the hall. "Nice lips! Can I kiss them?" She shot him a glare, but he only laughed. "You're so cute." Angry, Ari looked around for her best friend, Nahla. She would have stood up for her. Ever since Ari had come out as Bisexual, Nahla had always been there to fend off the bullies and harassers. Lately, however, she had been acting strange.

Ari was torn from her thoughts when she felt a hand grab her backpack. She spun around to find the same guy, standing there with a goofy grin on his face. "Nobody rejects me!" he said and grabbed her head. Before Ari could react, he pulled her forward and pressed his lips to hers. It was a short kiss, because Ari brought her knee up hard. He jerked back with a pained look on his face, but Ari could see the triumph in his eyes. She was about to slap him but he took off running. People were starting to stare, so Ari angrily stormed down the hall, and immediately crashed straight into an attractive blonde boy.

The blonde boy stumbled back, he almost lost balance but kept himself upright. He shook his head and mumbled something, his gaze landing on the girl. "Sorry, I should've been paying attention." He said, adjusting his hoodie. He huffed and ran a hand through his messy hair. "I'm Ty, what's your name?" He asked, his voice sounded distracted as if he wasn't fully there, or was still dazed from them running into each other. He kept his attention on the girl as if he was watching her.

"Oh, uh, I'm Ari. Sorry I bumped into you." She looked away, still feeling angry about the unwanted kiss. Ty must have seen it in her eyes because he suddenly looked almost softer.

Ty tilted his head, raising a brow at her. "You okay?" He asked, frowning. He obviously had a soft spot, but people called him mean due to his attitude. He looked worried for her, but Ty was always worrying.

Ari studied him, wondering if he could be trusted. "Um, I..." she blushed, feeling super uncomfortable. "This random dude came up and kissed me without my consent, so... I'm super pissed about that." She looked for his reaction, but his features remained calm. Something seemed off though, with the way he kept looking around as if he lost something. "Are you okay?"

Ty suddenly looked angry, and he glared but not at her. "People in this school are little shits and don't know respect." He muttered so lowly that it might as well be his thought. Ty was looking around, and he seemed anxious and unable to keep eye contact. "I'm just annoyed, my boyfriend hasn't spoken to me all day today." Ty didn't seem to mind that he just met Ari, he acted like he was an open book and not a care in the world for the actions he does.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she replied. She didn't show it, but on the inside, she was disappointed. Ah man, too bad he's gay. He's really cute. Maybe he's bi? She tossed her long wavy hair over one shoulder and motioned towards the school halls. "Want me to help you find him?"

Ty looked around, he sighed. "It would be easy to find him, he's over six feet." He said, he rocked on his feet, it looked like a habit he did when he was nervous. He smiled, his smile adding onto his charming face. "But you can try. I gotta warn ya though, he's not always the nicest towards people he just meets." He warned, starting to grin. He laughed a little, his southern accent showing more.

Ari smiled, warming up to him a little. "I'll come with you. We can look for my friend Nahla along the way."

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