25. Tom Morvolo Riddle

Start from the beginning

She went on and on and on about you, it's quite sweet really. Finally I was powerful enough to enter into the weak girls mind, having her do my bidding and letting my beast free to wander around the castle when needed. I lost contact with her for a while however and that is when I first met you Harry. We spoke and I got to meet you, show you my memories in a hope that you would accuse that oaf Hagrid of being the heir of Slytherin.

Everything was going to plan until Ginny stole my diary back from you that is. At least by then the poor girl was even weaker than before and getting her to come down here so she could die slowly, and thus allowing me to live was just the final piece I needed."

The boy smiles widely at us in a disturbing way "and now you are here Harry!"

His eyes flicker to me "and you" he steps closer to me "you are also here of course. Ginny told me all about you, because of course I wanted to hear about you as well." His face turns cold and his lip curls up "she kept referring to you as 'Harry's twin sister Angelica' I just knew who you were straight away."

I take a step back unsure of myself and raise my wand again at the boy "I don't know what is happening right now, but what I do know is that you cant kill Ginny." I raise my wand higher and glare at him "I won't let you."

The boy bursts out laughing to my confusion as he rolls his eyes. With a simple flick of his wand he has easily disarmed me and my wand loosely flies out of my fingers and into his outstretched hand. "Such ferocity and strength, you really are your mothers daughter. She always had a thing for trying to save the pathetic weak ones of the pack."

Harry finally speaks up his voice shaky "I don't understand why you're doing this. Why are you trying to kill Ginny?"

Tom steps forward once again and raises my wand now, having pocketed Harry's.
He begins to write in the air "isn't it obvious to you both by now?" His blue eyes gleam as the letters he is writing stay burning in the air before us all.


The large letters shine in front of Harry and I as we silently watch on in shock.

"My birth name given to me by my weak mother, Tom Marvolo Riddle. I later changed it into a much more fitting one." He waves the wand once more and the letters begin to fly into a different order.


Realisation dawns on me as I grab onto Harry's arm suddenly feeling extremely sick. Harry has gone pale and his mouth is hanging open in shock.

I find my voice and step slightly forwards as anger begins to coarse through me "y-you are the man who killed our parents?"

Tom waves his wand as the letters disappear and a dark look appears on his face "you really are an idiot aren't you? Again that must be from your mother, she was never overly smart either. Who I killed over ten years ago is not important right now, what is important is who I am yet to kill."

He turns his back to us ever so slightly as he raises his arms to the large marble face a hissing noise surrounds us as Tom calls out in parseltongue "come out now, join me."

Harry and I stare at the large marble face utterly entranced by what is happening, I let out a loud gasp as a loud slithering noise fills my ears.

Harry grabs my hand and yells at me "close your eyes Ang it's the basilisk!"

I do as my brother says as I slam my eyes shut suddenly feeling extremely disoriented, the slithering sound grows louder and I feel Harry rip his hand from mine as he begins to run away from me.

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