Linzi's Diary 12 Part 1

Start from the beginning

He stood by the café and looked around, sat near some ladies he spotted Brian who was laughing and having a good time. Noticing Nick, he made his excuses and swam over. "Hey Nick, what are you doing here?" "Looking for you, I see you still have a way with the girls." "They're just friends, it's been ages since I saw you brother, how have you been?" "I'm good, I spoke to Pippin and she told me you were here." "You know, let me go and get dried and changed and we can talk." "Okay." Brian made his way to the changing rooms and a ten minutes later he appeared, and they sat down at a table. "I'm glad Kerry isn't here, you know she'd be drooling and making inappropriate comments, you look really well." "Thank you, you're looking good too. So, what did Pippin say to you?" "Other than reminding me that she's ten? Where did the time go?" "Tell me about it, is it just you here?" "Yeah, it was Tom and Lacey who convinced me to come and find you, they've been messaging you, but you haven't replied." "I managed to break my phone and I lost all of my contacts, is everyone okay? I saw James at a show a few months back, did he not say?" "I haven't really seen him, he's been so busy, but everyone is okay and happy." "That's good, are you okay and happy?" "Yeah, I'm all good. What about you? I know you're smiling and everything, but I know you Brian." "I am honestly okay, I promise you. I know moving here was a big change and everyone thought I was crazy, but I really enjoy it here." "I can see." Nick chuckled. "Believe me, a relationship is the last thing on my mind. I am happy as I am with just me and Pippin... you know, shall we get out of here? We can go back to mine and talk more." "Yeah okay, oh and Pippin said you have to bring her back and McDonalds." "Why doesn't that surprise me." he picked up his bag and they made their way home.

Over in the states: "Do you have everything you need?" "Yes, I do, don't worry I'll be fine. James is meeting me at the airport and after we've battled our way through the screaming fans we'll be going to our hotel, there I will call you." "He's been away all this time and now he needs you in London?" "I guess he has his reasons, maybe he just misses me." "I seriously doubt that, knowing James he probably has an ulterior motive for having you there, why didn't he ask Rian or Scott?" "I don't know, I'll ask him when I get there. Tell Noah I love him I will see him in a few days okay?" "Okay, drive safe and remember they drive on the left in London." "I do know, see you soon, love you." "I love you too." He got into his car and made his way to the airport.

Nick and Brian arrive at the house, as they walked through the door a dog ran down the stairs toward them. "Hey boy, Pippin are you home? She must be out again, sometimes it's like I hardly see her at the minute." "She's growing up fast." "Too fast... can I get you a coffee?" "Yeah, thank you." "James is performing tonight at the O2, why don't you join us, I know Jim would love to see you." "Sounds like a great idea." "Where are you staying?" "Nowhere at the minute, I just got off the plane then came to find you." "I have a spare room; you can stay here if you want?" "Thank you." "So, you going to give her a call?" "Who?" "Kerry." "Yeah, she's visiting my boy. Talking of kids, have you spoken to Tom? Noah is growing up fast and he can be a terror... he runs away so fast and he loves to play hide and seek." "I'm flying over in a few months; I can spend some time with everyone for Christmas." "Will you be staying at the house?" "I haven't really thought about it." "I think the boys will appreciate you being home." "I'll think about it." The door opened and Pippin walked into the kitchen. "Hey dad, hey Nick... ooh McDonalds, thank you. Daddy is it okay if Andy comes over?" "Yeah but you know we're going out soon." "Oh yeah, I forgot." "Well go and get yourself sorted out so we get there on time." "Yes daddy." Pippin took her food with her to her room.

The plane soon landed in London, Tom made his way through arrivals and into a VIP room. "Hey brother, you made it! I've been waiting ages to see you." Tom hugged James. "You're looking good brother." "You're looking good too, what have you done with your arm dude?" "It's a more realistic one than the last one, what about you? Mr. Tattoo guy." "They're not too much, are they?" "I think they look cool, does Chrissy know you have them?" "Yeah, they cover up my scars and it means I can do more photoshoots." "So, you swapped knives for needles instead?" "Exactly." "So why did you call me here? You know I would have come to see the shows in Florida." "I know, but this is London, you know. It's a very special place for us all." "Yeah, I know. You still haven't answered my question." "I missed you, that's my answer. Don't ask me why, I just do, okay?" "I wasn't expecting to hear that as a reason, but I'll accept that. I just have one more question, what's with the wheelchairs?" "Dude, do you know how many fans are waiting for me out there?" "Yes, and we really don't need all that? Just meet them, you'll make their day." "I didn't think you'd be up for all that after your flight." "Are you kidding me? this used to be our way of life, granted I don't have to sign as many autographs as you, but I really enjoy it." "Well if you're ready for it? Then I guess we should make our way to the car." "Let's go." They made their way from the VIP room and down to the foyer to the awaiting fans.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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