The End

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Today Honey Bear and his friends are going to Tim Tigers grandmother's house.'I can't wait to reach my grandmother's house' said Tim Tiger'My grandmother bakes delicious cookies' said Tim Tiger.We're here'
said Tim Tiger 'Grandmother' said Tim Tiger'Hello my sweetheart did you come alone' said Tim Tiger's Grandmother'No I did'nt come alone'said Tim Tiger'Meet Honey Bear,Buzzy Bee,Debbie Deer,Martha Monkey,Mandy Monkey and Sammy Snake' said Tim Tiger'Good because The Wolf is now living in this forest'said Tim Tigers grandmother'Oh The Wolf' said Tim Tiger'Who is this The Wolf'said Honey Bear'He is the badest wolf I have ever met'said Tim Tiger 'You must go before night that is the time he begins his hunt'said Tim Tiger's grandmother'Bye lets go' said Tim Tiger.Before all of this The Wolf knew that they were here and he was making a plan of attacking them .They left early and got saved by The Wolf.

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