Surprise party

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Today was Honey Bear's birthday but he did'nt know it.All his friends were going to give him a surprise.All his friends made Honey Bear leave the house by saying that'Honey Bear where is Buzzy Bee go find him'said Tim Tiger'Yes go find him'said Debbie Deer'Yes go and hurry up'said Martha Monkey'Go now'said Sammy Snake
'Ok bye'said Honey Bear.So he went to find Buzzy Bee he looked in the forest,he look around the hill,he looked around the river,he looked in the hive,he looked,in Tim Tiger's house,he looked in Debbie Deer's house,he looked in Martha Monkey's house,he looked in Sammy Snakes house but he did'nt find him.So he went to his house when he opened the door'Surprise'said all his friends'Happy birthday Honey Bear'said all his friends'What today is my birthday and I don't even known'said Honey bear'Yes we known that you always forget your birthday'said Buzzy Bee.So they all ate the cake and opened the presents.To be continued

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