Pragmatic or Protective?

449 29 10

Chapter warnings: Mild language and violence

Word count: 1495


Her breathing grew labored again as the trapdoor above her shook, metal clinking as the mysterious person ripped the lock off. She tried to shimmy her way to the left, hiding under the floor, but she didn't move fast enough. The space flooded with colored LED light as the door flew upwards, leaving her face to fact with a heavyset man, face obscured by a ski mask.

"Haha! I knew it!" He reached down and grabbed her arm harshly with a gloved hand, yanking her out of the hole and causing her to hit her knee on the metal edge of the entrance. Crying out in pain, she tried to twist away, but his grip was too strong. She watched helplessly as a second man looked into the cargo hold.

"She's the only one."

"She can't be, I swear they take ten girls per location!"

"I'm telling you, she's the only one, man!"

"Fuck, what a waste of time." He looked her over. "Still, this is what they get for trying to come into our territory. They knew full well what they were doing, playing a show here. Let's get her in the van, we'll deal with those asshats when they get back."

"Shouldn't be long, the concert has to be ending soon."

"Well then, you'd better hurry." The first man shoved her into a third by the shoulder blades. Causing her to elicit a noise again. This new man grabbed her as well, pushing her harshly in the direction of what she could only assume was another vehicle. She tried to resist, but she was wearing no shoes and the concrete of the parking deck was like sandpaper on her feet.

"Stop dragging, bitch." He snarled, hitting her in the side and knocking the wind out of her, causing her to lean over slightly. If we get there early enough, we can have some fun before I deal with your little friends." Her gut twisted, terror building quickly. Just as she clenched her eyes shut, though, she heard a voice.

"What do you think you're doing with my property." Her salt-filled eyes shot open as the sound reached her ears. Was that... Kun? Whipping around, she tried to see, but the only thing she caught a glimpse of was the first man who had pulled her out of the bus.

"I'd ask you the same thing." He snarled. "You know this area belongs to us."

"I don't even know who you are." he commented back idly.

"I- How dare you! You're just going to pretend like we've never met?"

"Maybe I'd be more inclined to talk through the details with you if you'd get your disgusting hands off of that woman."

"Fat chance! How many girls did you take from the show just now, huh? Two? Five?"

"Seven, actually." Kun responded again. "There were thousands here, I'm unsure as to why it's such a big deal for you." Y/N cried out again as the man's grip tightened in anger, causing him to whip around and slap her in the face.

"Shut up!"

"Well, you have no semblance of proper business." The leader mentioned, completely serious. "Handling goods like that is a surefire way to lower your price. She was worth half a million before you beat her all up."

"Like I give a shit! I'm happy to take 50k for the whore!" Kun clicked his tongue in disappointment.

"How utterly atrocious. You make me sick to the stomach- I'm almost sorry to be in the same business as you. I suppose there will always be anomalies, though." At this, she heard a click. The man holding her, as well as the other two, switched into defensive stances, giving her the room to see.

Profit Margin (Criminal AU) (WayV x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now