Maybe I should smile more I look less angry but then I look like im out to kill someone. I forgot what that felt like though its been 2 years since I felt happy maybe this "date" will change that a line of hope

Time skip by kenmas gaming~

It was the end of practice everyone was heading to the shower before they eat dinner. I got a date with that damned owl though...Ugh I have to tell Oikawa too hes gonna be a drama queen. I walked over and saw Oikawa and Iwaizumi chilling in the empty room they were assigned.
"What up y/n chan~ You never come see me unless you want something which is also very rare" he suspiciously glared at me.
"Relax, Im going to be out till hmm maybe 9:00 depends. I have a date at 7:00 with that uhhh owl looking guy

fuck i forgot his name shit shit shit. I better remember in like two seconds

"Bokuto?" Iwaizumi looked at me
"Yeah that gu-" before I could finish the word Shittykawa interrupted me
"What are his intentions? How lomg will you be out? What are you wearing? Is he a nice boy? If he touches you in anyway Ill kill him.." my brother has officially lost it
"Hm I dont know why dont you go ask him yourself on his intentions" I growled
"Me and Iwa-chan~ will do that" he grabbed Iwaizumis wrist pulling him with him
"Ack! Let go Shittykawa!"
But honestly what was I going to wear, I know i packed some outfits but they ar every alt or goth hmm...
"Hey y/n-chan~ A little birdy told me your going on a date with our team captain~ " Yukie teased pinching my cheek
"Okay and? Ugh i dont know what to wear" I groaned put of frustration
"Lets see what you got here" she looked through my clothes and made me change in and out of outfits before saying she had some clothes that would fit perfectly. She hander me a black purple plaid skirt, a white top and cartagen that hugged my chest to tightly not uncomfortably but obviously showing im a girl. She was looking through my stuff still looking for jewelry and I didnt notice she found my band bag with my outfit Im going to wear and um the accessories are out of the ordinary....
"Y/n.....What the fuck are these..."
"What is what" I said looking back and seeing her in shock as she pulled a spiked dog collar with a bone shaped tag engraved saying 'bad girl', a dog muzzle and a leash with the writing 'fuck you' on the sides.
"its okay to have kinks y/n chan but um why here"
I explained how my band was and our theme we go for which was dogs... we wore muzzles, collars and leashes. I pointed at the guitar case in the corner of the room saying I was in a band and to not be making assumptions.
"Woah thats very unique actually and cool hoe you can sing with a muzzle on. Are you guys like a punk band because on the back of the tag it says 'I wont be silenced'?" she asked curiously
"Yeah we are, we were inspired by American punk and were going for the same thing to fight as one not alone" I stated. I never showed Oikawa what I wore or anything, If he saw this hed flip out but im doimg what feels good and makes me happy.
"Oh shoot its 6:50, I should go look for the do you know where your teams room is?"
"Its at the end of the hall to the right, enjoy your date with the idiot" she said
"psh...whatever, bye bye Yukie" I waved as i ran down the hall and knocked on the door. A boy with pretty eyes opened it and messy black hair, "Can I help you?" he said in a low tone.
"Oh um is the owl here?" I asked
"Oh your his date, hes downstairs, did he not give you his number" I shook my head and said thank you while I rushed down stairs trying not to bump into anyone.
"Hey hey hey! you look good y/n chan!" I heard him call from the seating area. I saw kuroo there too but he kept staring at me
"Its rude to stare Kuroo" I growled. He immediately looked away and talked to a smaller boy who ignored him.
"Shall we go?" He asked offering his hand
"Yeah while were still young" Out of a reflex I highfived his hand causing kuroo to laugh like a hyena on the couch.
" bad im not a very touchy person you know"
"No no its my fault anyways lets go y/n chan!" He lead the way and I followed behind. I felt the cold air hit my face, it felt nice and soothing.

Kuroo POV~

"Y/n chans hot right Kenma~" I cooed
"Hm shes pretty ill admit that but Ive seen her somewhere though Kuroo. She looks very familiar" Kenma responded
"Hm well when you figure that out, let me know"
"Lets look it up. Oikawa y/n" kenma mumbled to himself typing it in
"No way......" He mumbled
date outfit <3

There will be more Kyotani soon dont worry

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There will be more Kyotani soon dont worry..
we just have to add some spice to this mix 🥴

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