Griever Part

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Disclaimer- all the characters (except Rosalin) and the ideas are James Dashners. :P

When I was sure Newt was fast asleep I peeled myself away from him. I checked my watch that Minho gave me the first day I came here. There was about 4 hours till the Doors opened again so I decided I better get some sleep. I went back to where Thomas and Newt slept and crawled into Newts bed since I knew he wasn't there. Thomas was snoring lightly in the bed next to me. For the first time in ages I slept like a baby, but then again I only had 3 hours.

When I woke up all the Gladers were already awake. Everyone was in the kitchen eating breakfast. I spotted Minho sitting at a table with Thomas, Newt, Chuck and Rob so I sat down with them. "Morning ladies," I said sitting down next to them. Minho looked at Chuck and winked. "What?" I asked. "Oh nooothing," Minho sang. "How was your night?" Chuck and Rob burst out laughing and Newt almost choked on his breakfast. Thomas was glaring down at his food. I could feel my cheeks flaming. "Get much sleep?" Minho asked again. Chuck was clutching his stomach at this stage. "Yeah, plenty," I responded sourly, sparing a glare a Newt, who simply shrugged his shoulders, smirking. Suddenly Thomas got up from the table and left. "What's up his ass this morning?" Chuck asked. "No idea. Anyway, back to our previous conversation." Minho said, "you need to be good and rested for today." "Why?" I asked, genuinely curious. "Well that piece you found from the Griever? It had the number 7 on it, and that's what section of the Maze was open that day so maybe that's where it came from." Minho looked proud at his discovery. I couldn't help but smile. "What's so funny?" He asked defensively. "Oh nooooothing," I said, mocking him earlier, "hurry on then. The Doors are opening soon." I left the kitchen then, hoping none of them noticed I hadn't eaten anything.

Outside the kitchen another breeze hit me. I saw Alby standing outside the Homestead. "Hey, Alby!" I shouted, running over to him. "What's with the breeze? I thought there wasn't one here?" "I know, there shouldn't be, something's not right. None of the other Gladers have noticed though and I want to keep it that way." "Aye, aye Captain." Shuck it he was so bloody cranky.

Right then an idea hit me like a train. Wouldn't it be so much easier to travel the Maze of we had a train... my thoughts wandered EVERYWHERE. The Creators thought that when I collapsed in the Maze that I was having more memories but I could actually see what was going on inside their laboratory thing. What if that happened again? Maybe I could figure out what the breeze was about and a way out... maybe I could find out why they wanted me to kill Rob and what they did to Gally. Excitement filled me at the idea. Shuck, I'd never get the boys to agree though... "they don't have to know", it felt like someone whispered in my ear, but that was impossible, right? Whatever it was I didn't have long to ponder on it before Newt and Minho came up behind me.

"You ready, Rosie," Minho asked, not really looking for an answer. "Yeah." "Say goodbye to your boyfriend then and we'll be off." Funny Minho, real funny. I glared at him while Newt just stared at his feet. "Hey, Minho remember this?" "Remember what?" And I punched him in the arm. "How strong I am silly," I said, plastering the fakest smile on my face and loading my voice with sarcasm. Pain crossed Minho's face and he clutched his arm like a baby. "Come on then, whatcha waiting for?" I asked, taking off into the Maze. Idiots, I thought.


"Can't we take a break yet?" I moaned. I was tired, hungry and sweaty. Where's the breeze gone when you need it? "You should've gone to bed last night instead of staying up with Newtie," he said, raising his voice on Newtie. "Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny Minho," I sped up beside him. "Hey what is that?" I asked, slowing down. "No your not fooling me, we have to keep going," Minho said. "No, honestly. Listen," I said, stopping. Something was making a clicking noise. My first instinct was to panic, thinking the Creators had sent in some other horrible monster, but it was coming from my bag. "What the bloody hell?" I asked to no one in particular. Minho giggled. "You sound like a girl," I said, locating the source of the noise. "Its the Griever part," I said walking forward. It started to get louder, more persistent. "Maybe it's trying to show the way?" Minho suggested. "Only one way to find out."

We followed the direction of the part. We were nearing the end section of the Maze. "What the hell is this place?" I asked jogging beside Minho. "We call them blades," he said. "Wouldn't like to stick around them for too long, the sides are fairly sharp, be careful." We ran until the part was beeping so manically we thought it would explode. "It's a dead end," Minho said disappointedly, facing a wall. "Wait," I said. I walked up to the wall and placed my hand on it. Something clicked and the wall came apart, like the Doors except no where near as big. "Woah," Minho said as we stepped through. It was like a giant chasm, with a single path leading up to a massive circle. It looked like another dead end. "Shuck," Minho said again. He was like a little child in a toy shop. "You've never been here before?" "Never."

We walked up to the circle, but nothing happened again. "Maybe you have to-" but I never found out Minho's idea. The door opened, revealing an empty black space. Goo covered the entrance. "This must be where the Grievers stay," I said. Suddenly the Griever part began to click again. A red light shone out of the hole and onto me and Minho. It was more like a laser and it scanned both of us. I could hear stone grind against stone and I looked up. "Minho quick, the walls are coming down!" We ran out, into the Blades. They were moving, twisting with ferocious speed. They cut me off from Minho. I sped up trying to dodge in between them, but failing. On my final attempt, Minho grabbed my arm and pulled me through. The Blades cut my arm and blood was pumping from the wound, but that didn't matter now. "Come on!"

We ran through the Maze. The walls were changing. "This isn't supposed to happen!" Minho shouted. We dodged around new corners, ducked under random walls. I hoped Minho knew where he was going because I had no idea. We ran for what felt like hours, the Maze never letting up. "Minho, the Glade!" I shouted. We picked up speed, but then Minho tripped. "Shuck," he said, pulling himself up. But the Doors were beginning to close. All the Gladers were gathered beyond them, calling for us. "Come on Minho!" I said dragging him along. I pushed him through the Doors before me. I made it out, just as the Doors shut behind me, but that wasn't the case for my bag. I was pulled back, smacking against the wall. I laughed with relief as I took the straps off my shoulder and collapsed to the ground.

I was on my knees for ages before someone came over to me. It was Thomas. "You have shucking bad luck in that Maze don't you," he said. "What?" I asked confused. "Your arm," he said. "It looks like it's gonna need stitches." "oh shuck, really?" I asked, peering at it. "Aww man." "Here," he said, offering me his hand. "Thanks," I took it. He held onto my hand for what was probably more than socially acceptable. Newt came over and grabbed my arm. "You should probably get that checked out," he said gruffly. Was he jealous? "I can go myself," I said, pulling my arm out of his grip. "Thanks Thomas," I smiled walking away. "Minho," I called, catching up with him. "Rosie, you need to get that checked," he said. "Yeah I will but-" "no buts. C'mon I'll escort you myself." "Yeah alright but-" I was cut off by an angry Gally.

"What are you playing at?" He demanded, walking right into my face. "What are-" "No don't play innocent with me! Every time you go into the Maze, something weird happens! I remember you from out there, you have all the others brain washed, but not me! I know what you're capable of!" A curly head came from behind Gally. "Relax man," Chuck said, grabbing him arm. "Get lost," Gally said, flicking him away like a fly. Chuck landed on the ground and anger flared up inside me. Gally might be my brother, but he was such a slint head. "Leave him alone!" I said. "Ooooooh whatcha gonna do? You're just a shuck headed little girl." "Gally, what you think you know, you don't. It's all lies. The Creators, they altered your memories, made you think-" "Shut up!" He roared in my face. The other Gladers began to gather around, wondering what all the commotion was about. Minho was still standing by my side. Alby came over "what's the problem?" He asked. Gally answered. "It's her! Can't you see? Can't any of you see?"

I didn't hear the rest of what he was saying. There was a seering pain in my head. I dropped to the ground, head between my hands. I could here footsteps around me and worried voices, filled with urgency, but I didn't know what they were saying. Everything went black.

//AN- woooo long chapter. Got a bit of Gally in this time too! Any ideas with Thomas ? Took a scene from the movie here too. Much love guys, hope ye enjoy it!//

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