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Thomas's POV
"He was freaking the fuck out. I don't even know what happened, one second he was sick and the next he was screaming at someone who wasn't there to stay away. I had to handcuff him to the bed so he couldn't hurt himself." I said to the doctor over the phone. "You said he was sick before? What were his symptoms?" They asked me, I had to think about it. "Well I woke him up cause he was shaking and sweating but he said he was cold and pulled on the blankets. But he got up but was stumbling and holding onto the wall and went to the bathroom throwing up. Once he was done he was still shaking and he looked really out of it, like he couldn't focus or understand me." I said recalling the last hour.

"Is he on any medication? It sounds like withdrawals. Symptoms of withdrawals can include night sweats, feeling cold, irritability, severe anxiety, depression, hallucinations, weakness, pain sensitivity, racing thoughts, disorientation, nausea, stomach cramps, nightmares, insomnia, slurred speech, self-harm, and sometimes seizures." They said listing so much. "How long would they last?" I asked worried. "Probably around 3-5 days. The hallucinations should stop relatively quickly  just make sure he drinks water. But he shouldn't have to do all that, just have him take his medication." They said and once I heard that I figured I knew what I needed to know and hung up. Okay so lots of water. I wrapped his arm and went downstairs to grab a few water bottles.

Jaden's POV
I woke up handcuffed to Thomas's bed. What the fuck. I immediately feel extremely anxious in handcuffs. "Thomas!" I yelled not seeing him anywhere and started to get scared. "Thomas please! Help! Someone please!" I yelled again starting to hyperventilate when Thomas finally came in holding like four water bottles.

"Sorry about that baby, I just didn't want you to hurt yourself." He said grabbing the key and unlocking me. I continued breathing heavily and pulling my knees to my chest laying in my side. "Baby you need to calm down." I cried into my knees while Thomas 'tried to calm me down'. I couldn't help it, I hadn't felt that helpless feeling of being restrained to a bed in months and I still wasn't ready to feel it again. I pulled the blanket up and cried myself to sleep as the sun rose.

I woke up around 8pm to Thomas opening the door. He got in bed and pressed his chest against my back and said, "Hey baby." I could smell the alcohol on his breath and got out of bed now uncomfortable. "What you don't want to be near me?" He asked getting up. He kept getting closer and I backed up until I was against the wall and he pressed his chest to mine. I looked up at him and he quietly said, "You know what you did. You really act like this after pulling a knife on me last night."

I looked at him with wide eyes. Did I do that? "I'm so sorry Thomas, I don't remember doing that." I said trying to keep a calm tone. "Are you calling me a liar?" He growled down at me. "No I swear I was just apologizing." I pleaded scared of what may happen. "You need to be punished, I can't just let you walk around think shit like that is okay. Go kneel by the bed." He said even angrier. "Please i'm sorr-", I said before being interrupted. "Too late for apologies. Now take off your shirt and go kneel in front of the bed." He yelled in my face. I walked over to the bed and took off my shirt. I kneeled down on the floor and put my hands in front of me on the bed.

He walked over so I kept my head down. I heard him undoing his belt and taking it off. I sat there in silence. I couldn't hear anything happening but just like that I felt a sharp pain whip across my back. I went to get up and run away but he grabbed my hair and pulled me up to my feet. "You are going to stay here and count for me like a good little bitch or I will start over." He said into my ear before shoving me back to my knees. He hit me again and I winced at the pain before saying, "two."

I felt the blood dripping down my back and I tried to hold back but I could help the tears. He struck my back again, "th-thirty two." He hit me a few more times before saying, "Okay my arm is tired, I am going to bed." He slurred then laid down and passed out. I grabbed my phone and went to the bathroom.

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