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I've been sitting in class for a bit now, people keep staring at me. I didn't want to but I went to go sharpen my pencil and was walking back to my desk when someone stopped me. "Hey, Jaden right?" The blonde girl asked. I responded, "Um yeah, Madison?" Her eyes left mine and looked down. She sounded kind of spaced out when she said, "People call me Mads." I looked to see what she was looking at, did I have something on my pants? "Sorry, Mads, I didn't realize you knew who I was." I said and she continued looking in the same direction sounding completely zoned out, "Yeah I have uh, seen you around." I nodded and decided to walk away, that was weird right?

I got through class and it was time for lunch. I went to my locker that was now cleaned up from the papers and got my water bottle. I just stood leant against the wall and closed my eyes since I don't have money or food water is my only option. "Hey Jaden", I heard making me open my eyes to see Mads standing there. "Hey, what's up?" I responded and looked and there she was not making eye contact again, this time standing really close.

Without any warning she put her hand over the crotch of my pants. I pushed her hand away but she put it back. "I just wanted to see if it was as big as it looked in the pictures." She said quietly making her lips brush my ear. "Okay well I don't really care what you wanted to see i'm not interested so please leave me alone." I said pushing her hands away from me again. She put her hands on my sides pulling me closer to her and she began kissing my neck. "Mads I said stop", I said nudging her away. She wouldn't stop she brought her hands to my chest dragging them down to the waist of my pants. She brought her lips back to my neck and I pushed her back, "MADS I SAID NO." I snapped at her and she fell back.

"Oh shit, i'm so sorry, are you okay?" I went to help her up and she screamed. She grabbed the hand I held out for her and pulled me on top of her, I went to get up and saw Mattia, Micheal, Tony, and Ondreaz running down the hall. "Whats going on here?" Mattia asked grabbing my shirt pulling me up so most my weight was on my hurt ankle. "Please put me down", I begged. "He kept trying to put his hands up my shirt and when I said no he got angry so he pushed me down and got on top of me." Mads said while Tony helped her up. "She's lying!" I said struggling to get free.

Josh's POV
Mads walked to the table and sat down giggling. "Where'd they go?" I asked referring to the nearly empty table. "Oh they were beating up that Jaden kid." She said getting out her phone. "What? Where are they?" Anthony asked and we both stood up. I'm surprised he wants to come with me since he dumped me for Thomas a few weeks ago. "I don't know, they were on this floor and one of them said something about throwing him down the stairs." She said not even caring enough to look up. I think Avani heard that too cause she took off running toward the hallway, me and Anthony not far behind. The cafeteria was on the second floor so we ran to the stairwell. Avani was really fast so she was actually pretty far ahead of us, I couldn't even see her anymore.

When we got there we stood at the top of the stairs looking down. We saw Avani sitting against the wall she had Jaden laying between her legs with his head laying on her chest. She had he arms wrapped around him, holding him while he sobbed. Blood was pouring from his mouth and nose. He had a black eye and his shirt was ripped like someone dragged him by it. His hair was messed up and it looks like his arm is broken. We ran down the stairs and asked, "Jaden, would you like me to take you to the hospital?" Jaden didn't even answer because Avani beat him to it, "Yes, take him." I looked down at Jaden. "Do you know why they hurt you?" I asked but again was answered by Avani. "They said that he tried to sexually assault Mads. I don't believe it though. One, he would never hurt anyone. And two, if he were the type to do that kind of thing it wouldn't be to a girl, he is gay." She said lightly rubbing his back.

I nodded and picked up Jaden and carried him bridal style out to my car. I laid him down in the backseat. Me and Anthony drove him to the hospital and got him checked in. Jaden passed out and they did a cat scan. He has a concussion. That isn't surprising, they threw him down the stairs. Since he was already knocked out they reset his arm and put a cast on it. He woke up and groaned. Then turned over and saw us, "Oh, um hi." He said in a low tired voice. When he turned to us I saw the white part in one of his eyes was red. The lights were turned off for the sake of his head.

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