Ch 7. Give A Big Welcome To 'Family'

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“Hey (A/n)!” My dad’s angered yell became background noise as I reached my hand out for Shoto.

“Are you… Are you okay?” I asked quietly, grasping his hand with mine to examine the red mark.

“Of course, are you?” His cool fingers brushed under my chin, lifting my face to instead look at his. My gaze jumped between his icy blue and enduring grey ones, nodding as I couldn’t find the words to say. I noticed the red that tinted his cheeks as his hand lingered it’s hold on me, while a fight was building up on the other side of the couch. His form relaxed after a moment longer, his hand dropping from my face. “Good..” As his warm breath caressed my face I dropped his hand, turning and rushing towards the stairs. Stopping only to grab (C/n), knowing it’d be best to keep him from the fighting. Ah, Shoto… Even at times like these you don’t know how to not be beautiful… A blush drifted over my features as I made my way towards my room, baby on my hip.

Shoto’s POV

I watched (Y/n)’s retreating form, a soft breath of relief leaving me once again before I turned to the fighting couples. I had become accustomed to arguments, so watching them yell at each other about who was in the right didn’t bother me, however, knowing (M/n) wasn’t supportive of (Y/n)’s choices confused me. My brows furrowed and my gaze drifted to the floor under my feet. (Y/n) wouldn’t lie, and she genuinely seemed frustrated to know her family was coming… My hand brushed over my cheek in thought, keeping the pads of my fingers in contact with the rough patch of skin under my eye, I thought back to when (M/n) came in to get clothes for (Y/n).

“Ahh! Hey Shoto!” The gentle greeting had me shuffling to push the picture in my pocket, blushing as it slipped from my hands, fast enough to escape me trying to grab it, yet slow enough to give me time to experience what a heart attack felt like. The image glided to the floor face up, and I scrambled off the bed to grab it. I looked up at the woman sheepishly, and in returned she gave me a big smile. “Your secret’s safe with me.” She laughed out, walking towards the closet/dresser. “That picture is one (Y/n) used to stare at and cry, you know. It hurt her to know someone was out there with a scar, with such a rough family life.” I watched her pull out pajamas and my head tilted, hers turning to me. “But I bet it holds a different meaning to you. Maybe one that.. Fills you with happiness, and guilt, I assume.” My cheeks flared at her correct assumption, and I nodded. “Thought so.. Now, where does she normally put them..” She went to muttering and I moved closer.

“Uh, what are you looking for?” I asked, jumping back as (M/n) turned to me with a small smile.

“Oh she’s needing her pads/tampons.” She stated, I scratched my head, I had heard the terms before from Fuyumi, but didn’t necessarily know much. To my dismay though, (M/n) opened a small compartment and had been out of the room before I could form a sentence. So I did the only thing I could think of, called my sister.

Fuyumi laughed, told me to give (Y/n) chocolates, let her rest and offer my warmth, whatever that meant, but then she hung up.

“And you!” Snapped from my thoughts, I lifted my head towards (A/n), spotting a collection of familiar bags by the door in the process. “Who are you?” She hissed, her husband holding her back with a disgruntled look. My hand slipped up to rub my forehead, deciding for once, I was happy to say my dad was a pro hero.

“I’m Todoroki Shoto, son of Pro Hero Endeavor.” I choked out the name, it leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Her struggling stopped, and it almost looked like the light left her eyes. I took in a deep breath through my nose, bowing a bit towards the still fuming (D/n). “I’m sorry if being here has caused you any issues…” I mumbled. Of course being here would have done this.. Why did I accept again? The scene of my dad blasting fire at (Y/n) flashed through my head and I grimaced, remembering why I did, soon the smokey school scene played next and I struggled to breath as I looked at the ground. Am I here for myself or for her? A hand came down on my head and I peered up at (D/n) as he ruffled my hair.

Overcoming Our Obstacles Shoto Todoroki x Reader YLE,MRA Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora