what a sight for sore eyes

Start from the beginning

Hank lets Connor lean in to press a kiss to his cheek and then rises to his feet to do exactly that.

Connor gives Sumo a few more pats and well deserved scratches behind the ears before he too finally gets out of bed and moves to the closet to change into something like Hank instructed.

Even if most of Hank's plans for today were dashed, Connor didn't mind as long as he got to spend it with Hank.

Sumo made a yipping noise as Connor went idle whilst being lost in his thoughts.

"Okay, okay. I'm going," Connor laughs before he begins digging through his clothes and settling on an outfit.


Detroit, Michigan
August 15, 2039
02:16:48 PM

The first place Hank takes him is the aquarium Connor had read up about online, had absolutely went crazy over and was just so happy over the fact that quite a few of the animals were android as well.

Seeing Connor's whole face light up with recognition and elation was enough to make Hank's heart thump hard in chest. He loved making the kid happy. After the hell he's been through since last year and still on-going to a degree, Connor deserved so many good things, no matter how little- and fuck did Hank love to be the one that was the cause of it.

"Oh, Hank," Connor breathed as they walked throughout the place, looking all around the glass walls and ceilings that contained the water and aquatic life all around them.

Hank's eyes remained on Connor for the most part, loving the look of pure happiness and mesmerized glimmer's that seemed to sparkle in the android's eyes. God, he wished Connor always looked this way. So soft and warm and happy. It looked so good on him, it took Hank's breath away when he saw it.

The navy blue sweater Connor was wearing was a little too big on him, the sleeve's going down to the second knuckle which he had kept tugging up before he had inevitably just given up on eventually in favor of focusing his sole attention on other priorities. A pair of black jeans, and his grey beanie he had adorned a while ago when he had went undercover shortly before becoming deviant.

Between watching the animals, listening to Connor talk about each one they passed, and admiring him, Hank barely remembered that they were holding hands.

They continued to do the same routine throughout the whole aquarium, and Hank would absolutely deny anyone calling him whipped when Connor begged to get one of the fish from the shop. It was his birthday, Hank told himself, but he really just wanted to give the kid whatever he desired. If he wanted a damn fish, he got it, even if Hank tried to pretend to be annoyed about it.

Connor knew him better than that.


Detroit, Michigan
August 15, 2039
04:02:16 PM

The next stop had been at a little android-inclusive little café on their way back home from the aquarium. It had a menu for thirium-based drinks and a few foods they could consume.

Connor had been over the moon with surprise, but obviously happy nevertheless. How he hadn't come across this little place, he didn't know. Hardly anything got passed him.

They'd ran into the shop from the car, trying to avoid the rain still drenching Detroit.

Hank had gotten a coffee, not very hungry, and Connor just had to try the thirium hot chocolate- not a surprise, Hank thought, that the kid would like shit like sweets, and also got a cinnamon roll.

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