Prom - Part Two

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Prom may have been lame, but sitting on the sidelines of prom alone had to be even lamer, Piper decided after five minutes of watching her friends and teammates dance together. There was only one thing that could make her prom experience better: food.

As she contemplated her options at the snack table set up in the office, Finn suddenly appeared next to her and gestured out to Studio One. "Piper, care to dance?" he asked.

She glanced up at him and adamantly shook her head. "Oh, I don't dance."

"What are you talking about? You're a dancer!"

"I only do choreographed dancing," she said, turning back to the food.

She piled up some cheese and crackers on her plate and only looked up again when Finn started showing her his "choreo." He looked silly doing the Bus Driver, but she had to admit that Big Fish, Little Fish, Cardboard Box was kind of cute albeit nothing special.

She still refused to dance with him, but she could appreciate his willingness to look a little goofy since that was something she had seemed to lack as of late. Maybe she would humor him – just this once.

"I have a move for you," she said, interrupting his dancing. His eyes lit up with excitement as he waited to see her dance move. "It's called the Later Finn."

She handed her plate to him, which he took without question, then started backing away from him, holding up her arm and imitating a waving motion. "Later Finn," she called sweetly, still backing away until she was out of the office completely.

Maybe it was lame, but Piper couldn't help feeling a little proud of her "dance move." Considering she wasn't as witty as her siblings or their cousins, she thought that had been a pretty good joke on her part. A furtive glance over her shoulder revealed that Finn was grinning and nodding appreciatively, so he must have thought so too.

Even though she hadn't been standing for long, her feet were already sore from her heels. She knew she should have worn better shoes, but her heels had looked best with her outfit. As she moved to sit down again, the J-Troupers ran out of the office and started their own dance party on the dance floor. Piper smiled at their excitement as she pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time. She was surprised to find that she had already been there for almost an hour. Her sister had sent her a series of text messages since dropping her off.

Jules: How's it going????
J: I'm assuming it's going well since you're not responding
J: Not trying to peer pressure you or anything but you should totally dance with Finn js js
J: Take lots of pictures too!!!!
J: I want to see everyone's dresses
J: K, love you, make good decisions

Of course Julia would text her just to tell her to dance with Finn. Piper glanced over to where he was now cheering on the J-Troupers with the other boys. He was clearly having the time of his life - the complete opposite of what Piper was doing.

How much longer until it was socially acceptable to text Julia and ask her to come pick her up?

When the J-Troupers' mini dance party came to an end, Eldon switched the upbeat music to a slow song, and the various couples took over the dance floor once more. Piper watched them all pair off and crossed her legs, bouncing her foot anxiously. If she hadn't danced earlier, she most certainly couldn't now.

If this prom had happened just a couple of months before, she would have dreamed of coming with Josh. She probably would have even asked him to prom herself. But it hadn't happened back then, and in hindsight, that was probably for the best. Would Josh have turned down her promposal just as easily as he'd rejected her in Studio A?

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