Planning with Del

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I wake up randomly and I look at the time. 1 A.M., well once I'm up I can't fall back asleep! I get up and go outside my apartment.  I head to one of the rooms to see if anybody was awake.  I knock on the door and it opens.  I walk in and go to the living room.  I hear the TV on and snoring.  I walk into the living room to see Evan and Del on the couch.  

It looked cute so I pulled out my phone and took a picture . . . bad idea.  The sound was on so you could hear the camera click. You'd think that it would be quiet enough to not wake anyone up, but it did.  I saw Evan move a bit and his eyes open.  I rush to hide but Ohm sees me and blushes.  I get up and walk over to him.  He struggles to get out of Del's arms.  I hold in a laugh.

"Laugh all you want," He says as I let out the laugh.

At this time Del has woken up and was very confused.  I stop laughing and look at Del.  He glares at me which makes me laugh more.  Del gets up and comes towards me. I freak out and rush behind the couch.  He jumps over it and tackles me. I scream and he picks me up.  He carries me around above his head.  I scream playfully and Evan tries to help me.

I hear a banging coming from the floor and muffled yelling.  We keep going and the banging hits more on the floor.  We stop fully and hear our names being yelled. 

"I should go and leave you to be." I say with a wink before running out and back to my room.

------Time skip------- (Sponsored by: Nogla Shaving his Balls)

The sound of footsteps heading downstairs catches my attention and I decide to go down too.  I hear what I think is Del's voice.  I head to our make shift meeting room to find Del sitting there and staring at a map.  I walk up and put a hand on his shoulder.  He whips around and grabs my wrists.  He then pulls me forward and I am on the ground.

"What the fuck Del!" I say as he lets go and I rub my wrists.

"Are you ok? He says with worry in his voice.

I get up and nod a bit.  He helps me a bit and I smile at him.  He starts to sit down again and I sit next to him. 

I ask, "So what are you doing?"

He keeps staring at the map and says, "I'm planning the escape routes and entrance way routes. Basically ways to get in and out of your sister's base."

I frown and say, "Don't call her my sister."

He looks at me and asks, "What do you want me to call her?"

I sit there and pretend to think,"Hmmmm.....maybe just Iris or Bitch," I say ending it with and exaggerated smile.

He chuckles a bit and I frown. I don't know why I frowned though. Was it his reaction? The conversation? Ughhh.....why am I thinking about such a little thing!

"Y/N!" I hear Del yelling my name.

I come back to reality and say, "What happened?"

"You've been staring at the map and mumbling some random stuff," He says as he draws an 'X' on the map.

I study the map again and I see that most of the exits and entrances were crossed off except two.

"Why are there two still?"

He turns his chair towards me and says,"Well those are either two entrances or one.  We have to wait for Smii7y or John to get us some footage of the doors," He pulls out an unmarked map of the base, "Here is where the final map will go."

I nod and I grab a pen. He watches my every move. On the test map I draw a stick figure with 'Iris' over it.  I then make the team surrounding her and me with a cage above her head.

"That's a good drawing!" He says.

I look at him confused, "These are very badly drawn stick figures.  I could do better but I wanted to doodle."

He nods and takes a pen himself.  I watch him this time as he draws two figures sitting in chairs.  He then labels them as him and I.

I smile at his work and say,"Wow! I didn't think you could draw!" 

He laughs at my amazement and says,"You did pretty good for a doodle!"

I nod agreeing and he stands up.  I watch as he walks towards the door to leave and I get up to leave to.  He walks to the living room of the meeting room. (They are still in apartments so they turned the offices and bedrooms into the meeting room)  The living room in here was better than everyone's furniture. Well except Evan's.  Del flops onto the couch and stretches out.  I go and sit on the chair next to the couch.

I feel him grab my wrist and pull me on top of him.  I blush and turn so he can't see my face.  He straightens me out and he turns on the TV.

I whisper to him,"We can't let the others see us like this. They will take it the other way."

He nods as I pull out my phone and show him the pic of Evan and him.  Del laughs and I smile.

"You caught us and got a pretty good picture of us too," Del says.

Del puts a hand over his mouth as he yawns.  He then proceeds to turn on a movie and we talk for a bit.  He talks less and less until he falls asleep.  I do the same in a few minutes.


985 Words!

Yay! I updated! Sorry for such a long wait!

I will be posting a chapter that I will be putting at the beginning about the major changes ups I made in this story.

But for now, stay alive and.....dry?


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