First I Love You

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You were reading Gone With The Wind with Ponyboy as he played with your hair and you read the book out loud.

Ponyboy then kissed you on the top of the head and then softly on your cheek. "You seem happier than usual, what's got you so chipper?" You asked him.

Ponyboy smiled softly as he took your hands into his "I just love you so much" he spoke. Your eyes widen and you kissed him lovingly.

He was in shock, but after a few seconds, he kissed you back.

You pulled apart and the two of you smiled like children in a candy store "I love you too" you spoke.


You were walking through town at night as you kicked a few pebbles. You soon heard a roaring engine and you whipped your head around to see a grey mustang.

You froze as you then slowly started to back away from the car. "Get 'er, fellas!" A soc yelled and you started to run as fast as your feet could take you.

You soon tripped over your own feet and fall to the ground. "Ugh..." you grumbled as you started to get beat up.

"Hey! Get away from 'er!" A familiar voice yelled and you rubbed your eyes and groaned in pain.

"Baby, babycakes, I'm right here..." the voice said and you looked up to see Johnny. "Are you hurt?" Johnny asked you and you shook you head.

Johnny sighed in relief as he held you close "I'm glad, I love you too much to lose you" Johnny stated and your eyes widen.

"I love you too" you spoke and Johnny kissed your head.


You were watching TV with Two-Bit as Sodapop and Steve were arm wrestling in the kitchen.

You blew the smoke from your cigarette out of your mouth as you heard the two friends in the kitchen talking to eachother.

"Babe!" You heard Sodapop call out "coming" you mumbled and walked in the kitchen.

"Hey princess!" Sodapop cheered as he slammed Steve's hand down onto the table. "Dammit" you heard Steve grumble.

"What did you need, babe?" You asked Sodapop "can you be the referee? I want a rematch!" Steve stated and you giggled.

"Sure, boys" you stated and pulled up another chair to sit in. You sat down on the chair "ready?!" You cheered and the boys started to arm wrestle.

Sodapop won again "Soda wins" you spoke and Sodapop cheered "I love you, babe!" He stated. You smiled "I love you too, Pepsi Cola" you said.


You were leaning your back against a car that Steve was fixing as he softly hummed to himself while you ranted about your horrible day to him.

"Then! My boss yelled at me for making Pamela mess up! Which, wasn't even my fault!" You snapped as you groaned in annoyance.

"What did Pamela do wrong again?" Steve asked as he wiped the oil off of his cheek, which only smeared it.

"She basically let her friend get popcorn and soda without paying and she lied and said she forgot because I was talking to her, which I wasn't!" You explained.

"Babe, how about you relax today and we can go to a drag race?" Steve asked "god, that sounds amazing, I love you so much" you spoke in relief.

"Love you too, hun" Steve said back.


You were doing your homework at the Curtis house in the kitchen. Two-Bit came in to get more beer and cake as he softly hummed Mickey Mouse's theme song.

Two-Bit sat down by you as he took a sip of his beer "hey dollface" he spoke "hey hun" you said, not looking up from your work.

"Whatcha doin'?" He asked you "homework" you simply said. "Why don't you take a break? You've been working on this since you got here and that was two hours ago" Two-Bit stated.

You shook your head "I can't, baby" you spoke and looked up at him. "Why noootttt?" Two-Bit whined "listen, I love you but I have to work" you said.

"You love me?" Two asked you "well, you are my boyfriend" you reminded. "Fellas! Y'all hear that?! (Y/N) loves me!" Two-Bit cheered.


You were cleaning up Dallas after he got in a fight with a soc that was looking at you wrong.

"You gotta stop fighting. One day you're gonna get killed" you lectured as you dabbed a wet paper towel on his bleeding lip.

"It's cute when you care" Dally muttered as he smirked as usual. "I'm serious, Dal, you're gonna get badly hurt one day" you reminded.

"I care about you because I love you" you said and he kissed your nose. "Alright than, hun, but I fought that soc for you" Dally stated.


You guys said I love you as soon as the two of you started to date.

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