thirty five

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*2 year time skip Jonah is 22 and Hayden is 21*

"I got you something at the store." Stella says walking into our small Hawaiian apartment

"I told you I didn't need anything." I say grabbing the bag from her and looking inside. "Stella..."

"Just take it, trust me. It might explain how off you've been the last two weeks. I mean almost every morning since we moved out here you've had toast with peanutbutter on it for breakfast and now you gag everytime you get near it. And for the last three days you've been getting out of bed to throw up early in the morning. I know you don't think so but please just take it." She says

"But I know I'm not pregnant." I say

"Jonah was here about two weeks ago, that's how long I've been noticing little changes in you. Just take the pregnancy test. It's not that hard." Stella explains

"Fine. But it's going to come back negative, you'll see." I say grabbing the bag and heading into my bathroom. "But, just incase I want you to sit on my bed outside my bathroom door."

"So you're saying you think there's a chance?" She asks

"No, Jo and I have never gone without it and I'm also on birth control. It's not gonna be positive." I shut the door

3 minutes later

There's no way. It's not possible.

"Hayden are you okay, you've been in there for quite some time and haven't said anything." Stella asks concerned

I open my bathroom door the test in my shaking hands. I try my best to hold back my tears but as soon as I look at Stella I burst.

"It's Positive." I say between tears

"Come here Hay." Stella says pulling me into a hug. "You'll be okay. Everything will be okay. It's scary, I know. Just remember whatever you decide weather anyone else likes it or not, I will always be by your side, okay?"

"yeah." I say letting out a sigh "I just...I ... We were so careful. We tried Bell, we really did. Jonah. Oh no, what's he gonna think?"

"I'm sure Jonah will be supportive if the whole thing." She says

"Yeah, but what if he's not? So much could go wrong, if it's bad he could loose out on some amazing opportunities and I don't want to stop him from that." I say sniffing

By now we are both sitting on my bed, both in shock myself more than Stella.

"Jonah loves you a lot Hays, I can't say for sure but I guarantee it will be okay." Stella says side hugging me

"I know, Just it was hard for me not having a dad, growing up especially and I don't want my baby to have to go through that." I say "I wish he was here. He'd be supportive. He loved kids."

"It's Hard I know, he's looking down on you right now with the biggest smile on his face." She says

"My mom's gonna freak out." I say letting out a small laugh

"Everytime you talk to her she always asks when you and Jonah are going to give her grand babies." Stell laughs

"I know! I just don't think she was expecting it to be so soon." I say pausing "It's so weird that there's a small human growing inside of me."

"It's so exciting." Bella smiles

"How am I supposed to tell Jonah?" I ask

"That's a good question." She says "He's in Minnesota for tour next week right?"

"Yeah. Why?" I ask

"Text one of the guys that you want to surprise Jonah at the Minnesota show and then while you're there you can tell him. I'll even go with you. It's been awhile since I've been home." Stella suggests

"I don't see why not. I just have to see if I can get off of work." I say

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