Chapter 1

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Loki sat on the dungeon floor, his back leaning against the wall, legs drawn up to his chest, his arms crossed though chained at the wrists. His elbows sat on his knees and his chin rested on his arms. His shoulder length black hair fell around his face in strands and he could not care enough to push them away.

The armor he'd once worn was gone, replaced by a simple dark green shirt and leather pants with a green overcoat that went down to his knees.

It was cold in the dungeon. Not that it really bothered Loki all that much considering his origins. No, what bothered him was the sheer boredom of it all. There was nothing for him to do but read or watch prisoners come and go from time to time through the thin gold shimmer of energy.

Loki was unsure as to what fath- no Odin had planned for him. He was to never call that man his father again. He was heartless and cruel ordering him to be taken away to the dungeons without even getting to defend himself.

Of course as much as Loki hated himself to admit it he understood why. Who would ever believe the god of mischief and lies. He hardly believed in himself.

Ever since he'd been taken to the dungeon he had lost more and more hope that he would ever leave. He didn't know when his trial would occur or even how long he'd been waiting in this cell for it to happen. He'd felt like he'd been there for years. And he was so utterly bored.

He was beginning to wonder if Odin was going to leave him there to lose his mind to boredom. Cause if so, Loki was afraid it was working.

He suddenly tensed hearing approaching footsteps. At first he thought it was a guard escorting another prisoner to their cell, but he heard no pitiful protest of a prisoner or seemingly struggle, no feet dragging across the floor to stop the inevitable.

The footsteps stopped outside of his cell but he didn't dare look up. He was afraid it was just for the guard to check he'd hadn't escaped from his cell and leave without a word to him. He didn't want to get his hopes up at the prospect of getting out of this place only to have them crushed. But he still couldn't help as his heart hammered painfully in his chest.

"Loki Laufeyson."

Loki winced at the name but looked up his heart racing.

The golden energy dissipated and the guard stepped forward and spoke.

"Come with me. Your trial is about to begin", he stated plainly motioning for Loki to stand. Loki breathing almost stopped. It was finally happening. He was finally going to be trailed.

Loki stood slowly, his body stiff from sitting there for Odin knows how long.

He followed the guard out of the dungeons and up the many flights of stairs and down the elegant hall finally arriving at the courtroom. The chained around his wrists felt heavier than normal.

Loki was starting to panic now. 'What if they sentenced me back to prison, what if it was just some cruel joke to humiliate me, what if - what if I was sentenced to death?' That was clearly the obvious punishment and Loki thought that he deserved it.

He didn't realize he was shivering until he was standing in front of Odin himself. He looked up at Odin who had an unreadable expression on his face.

Loki got a glimpse of Frigga's grieve stricken face and Thor's pained expression before he was forced to his knees in front of Odin. Loki trained his gaze to the ground, his head bowed not wanting to meet the eyes of his once father, not wanting to see the disappointment and shame in his that lay there.

"Loki Laufeyson", Loki winced again at the name but bit his tongue in an attempt to stay silent, "You have been called to trial today to discuss your crimes and the punishment worthy of your crimes."

Loki remained silent waiting.

"The following crimes are your attempt at eliminating the Jötunn race and murder of many of their kind."

'My kind', Loki thought bitterly.

"Those crimes however have been pardoned as at the time we believed you to be dead." Did Loki hear a bit of pain in Odin's voice?

"As for the crimes against Midgard not only did you try to take over and rule Midgard but killed and injured many innocent people in the process", Odin stated.

Loki cringed hearing his crimes remembering all the death he'd caused. All his fault. Bad enough knowing what you did but it was even worse having to hear them being spoken of in front of you even if it was necessary.

"Do you deny these claims?" Odin asked.

Loki gritted his teeth to keep himself from protesting. He wouldn't speak, he wouldn't beg for forgiveness, he deserved what he got even though only he knew how unfair these claims were.

He wanted to scream that it wasn't his fault but he couldn't, especially when he didn't believe it himself.

Odin spoke through Loki's silence, "For your crimes you shall be punished without mercy, Odinson or no."

Loki forced himself not to growl. Odinson now was it? What happened to Laufeyson, the monster's son?

Loki had had enough. If he was going to die then he wanted it done now.

Loki looked up at his fath - Odin definitely. "If I am for the axe then for mercy's sake, just", he met Odin's eyes, "swing it."

Loki saw all of Odin's emotions, sadness, pity, regret, in his blue eyes so much like Thor's, another reminder of how different he was to his so-called family.

His heart ached wanting nothing more than to look away but he definitely stared at Odin, who's eyes widened at Loki's complete lack over death.

In truth Loki was terrified of death, like any man was of the unknown. But he would never admit it. He wouldn't let Odin see the fear in his poisonous green eyes and die knowing Odin had won.

Odin overcame his shock and sighed.

"For your crimes you shall not be sentenced to death", Loki paused looking at Odin suspiciously. What did he mean he wasn't sentenced to death? What else could he possibly do that is worthy of his crimes?

"Instead you shall be sent to Midgard to help the mortals you once tried to rule over."

Loki stared at Odin unable to conceal his shock that overtook his features. He wanted Loki to go to Midgard and help the people he had tried to kill with the possibility that they would kill him as payback for what he'd done. Was he insane?!

"You shall be restricted of your magic so you cannot cause any unnecessary mischief", Odin said, pulling out two gold bracelets with Norse writing on the edges and held them up for Loki to see. "These will restrict your access to magic but not take it away completely. Until you can learn to fight with and not against the Midgardians you shall remain there for the rest of eternity."

Loki was at a loss of words. His silver tongue had turned to lead in his mouth as Odin approached him and took his arms clasping the bracelets around his wrist. He felt most of his magic recede from him leaving him with barely any magic at all, but Loki had barely even noticed his mind in panic mode at what Odin had said.

He was being sent to Midgard? But that meant that he'd most likely never see Frigga or Thor again. He'd never get to say goodbye to his friends that made his life worth living. He'd never get to say how he was sorry...

"I'm sorry, father." The words spilled from his mouth before he could stop them, his voice cracking at the last word.

Odin looked up at Loki surprised and sighed softly. "So am I", he whispered back. Loki's chest tightened painfully as Odin turned away and ordered the guards to take him to the Bifrost.

Loki managed to get a glimpse of Frigga's tear streaked face and Thor's saddened look before he was led out of the courtroom. He hadn't even got to say goodbye.

They led him to the Bifrost where Heimdall was waiting pushing his sword in the center piece floor opening the Bifrost.

"Farewell, prince Loki", Heimdall said and the guards pushed him roughly through the Bifrost.

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