Chapter 5

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The whole group in the ballroom began to freak out. No matter how much her mother tried to calm the guests, they all wanted to get the heck out of there. They had probably heard the stories about the house. They all made a mad dash for the door. Marion and Jasper held hands as they went outside too. There in the distance, Jasper pointed to the old mine. It was lit up, it looked like someone was in there.

"Should we go check it out?" Marion asked her new husband.

"It might bring more light to this mystery." Jasper nodded and they both got into his car and took off in the direction of the mine.

Jasper was focused on driving but Marion could feel something rumbling. Looking to Jasper she began to think what she thought, an earth quake. Jasper tried to control the car but a hole opened up and swallowed the car and them before he could turn away. Jasper moved in front of Marion and held her as they felt the car crash into the contents of the hole. A loud crash later, Marion looked up and saw Jasper looking down at her.

"You OK?" Jasper asked her clearly concerned with her safety.

"Yeah, are you? Oh my god are you hurt?" Marion asked as she searched him but only found a couple of scratches.

"Nah, I'm fine. Come on let's get out of this" Jasper said as he maneuvered himself and kicked the windshield out.

He went out first and then let his wife out of the car the same way. Stopping on the hood they both looked down to see they had landed in a ravine.

"You know how to swim?" Marion asked Jasper who nodded.

"Yeah, you?"

"I'd be a mermaid if I could be." Marion chuckled trying to make light of the situation.

"Come on, maybe we can find a path." Jasper laughed.

They carefully entered the water, knowing full well they had no idea what was in the water. It turned out to only be about thigh deep to Jasper but waist deep on Marion. Holding her hand, Jasper led her through the water.

"You can't tell me all these are coincidences." Marion pointed out.

"I'm starting to believe in the afterlife." Jasper replied.

They kept going for what seemed to be miles. The water stayed at the same level but they had no idea where they were. No flashlight or phone to call for help. They were stuck.

"Come on, Marion we can make it." Jasper encouraged her.

"I know, It's just this darn dress is so heavy." Marion sighed discouraged.

Jasper stopped, fished for something in his pocket. He pulled out a pocket knife and cut the dress just below her knees. She felt so much lighter and gave him a kiss to show him she was grateful. They began walking again when they noticed what appeared to be building up ahead.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Jasper asked Marion.

"A bunch of old building? Yeah I see them. This must be the part of the town that sunk in the explosion." Marion answered.

The old buildings were in a dilapidated state, no doubt due to the years of being stuck in the ravine. As they walked past the buildings, Marion could make out small light green outlines looking through the windows of the buildings. Jasper gripped her hand as he tried to find a way out. Suddenly they both heard what could only be described as the whistle of a train. Both looked behind them to see nothing, there were no tracks or anything where they were and no railroad anywhere near there.

"We have to get out of here." Jasper said as he moved to walk forward only to be stopped by a force that did not seem to exist.

"What? How are we trapped? There isn't anything there!" Marion yelled as she began to bang on the invisible wall.

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