Chapter 10

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It was the night before the day before the wedding, Marion sat in the guest room and tried to keep calm. She would have to help in repeating everything Henry had done the first time. So, she made a list to make sure that she wouldn't forget anything. Something caught her attention in the mirror, and she looked up, on the other side she saw her mother looking around the room desperately calling out her name. Her mother was searching for her!

Jumping from the chair, she turned to leave her room only to hear what sounded like a fight coming from the back yard. Rushing to her window, she looked out to see Henry yelling at another young man who looked a lot like Henry. That must have been her grandfather, but younger. She watched as they fought with one another, apparently the young Ravenswood had a gambling problem and had used money his father had given to him for other purposes.

"You have had your last chance, Edward; I am cutting you off and sending you away. Never will you haunt the manor I have built. Melanie will take the house, the money and name. Never do I want to ever lay eyes on you again." Henry said and then turned and left the young man shocked.

"You will be cursed old man! Melanie will find out one of these days what you have truly done, and she will turn against you just like you turned against me! Four men go missing and no one asks questions isn't the suspicious thing fathers! It's the fact they all went missing under your hospitality. Let her find the ledger and know of you true deeds. That thunderbird curse will come back on you more than anyone." Edward said as he took his pocket watch, checked the time and laughed. "In the years to come, if Melanie isn't smart enough to find out the truth, one of my descendants will and they will end you in life or death."

Edward then turned and walked right out the gate, he didn't seem to care about losing the family name or money, but he knew the truth. He knew that his father had killed the other four suitors. He knew that he had collected the insurance money on all four of the missing men, but he wanted Melanie to find out. Since she didn't, he made a promise that one of his descendants would, which would be Marion.

Turning from the window, Marion's hand went to her chest. So, it was her grandfather that wanted her to find the truth. She felt confused and frustrated at the same time. She didn't even hear the knock on her door as Melanie opened the door and looked at the shocked Marion and quickly ran to her side.

"Marion, dear girl it looks like you've seen a ghost." Melanie said as she gently held Marion's arm as she slunk down against the wall.

In a manner of speaking, she was looking and talking to one. Melanie looked deeply concerned for Marion as she went to the water basin, wet and cloth as well as rang it out then brought it to Marion and began to gently dab her forehead.

"Please speak to me cousin." Melanie pleaded with Marion.

Marion blinked, finally realizing that she hadn't said a word to Melanie which only caused her to worry more.

"Forgive me cousin, I believe I saw a sight I was not meant to see. Edward has been thrown out by your father." she said as she watched Melanie become silent and slowly turn her attention away from Marion.

"Yes, Father told me that my brother had been spending too much money and that he would cut him off and send him away. I never thought that he would truly go through with it, mother will be devastated. Edward had many fights with my father but by the time mother became involved it would all work out. She returns tomorrow and no doubt she will want to go after Edward." Melanie said as she stood and tried to keep herself from crying.

Clearly Edward and Henry had a rocky relationship at best.

"Well, I hope things clear up and that he is able to return home for your wedding." Marion said trying to put a positive spin on the situation.

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