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Welcome Foolish Mortals, I mean, dear readers. This story is one of new, something that has happened only recently, that is to a certain member of the dear family. Strange occurrences often happen in the manor, However knowing the blood of that clan still runs makes me happy.

The eldest child, Edward, a pure disappointment to Henry seems to have found a way to make the mystery of Ravenswood Manor come back out to the public, perhaps even to be solved by someone in that family? Will you join them for the ride? I guarantee it's a trip you will not regret. Make sure you bring a blank death certificate with you, better to be safe than sorry?

The ghosts have gathered to hear the tale, won't you join them?

Welcome, to Ravenswood Manor.


The Phantom

(This is a Fan fiction to the ride in Disney Land Paris, no copyright infringement intended, everything used under Fair rights act.)

The Haunting of Ravenswood ManorWhere stories live. Discover now