Chapter 4

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On the other side, there was a sign that read 9 3/4. Harry and I smiled at eachother and then looked at the huge train in front of us. Ron then appeared behind us.
"Well come on! We don't want to miss it!" He exclaimed as he grabbed our hands and began running, dragging us with him.
We hopped onto the train and went into an empty section and sat down.
"So, is it true? Do you guys really have famous scars?" Ron asked.
"Um, yes?" Harry replied as he lifted up his hair to reveal his scar. I lifted up my sleeve and showed my scar to Ron.
"WOAH" he exclaimed.
Harry and I looked at eachother questionably.
"Do either of you know magic?" Asked Ron.
"I mean kind of, we've done magic a couple times accidentally." I said.
"Cool, I know I couple spells. My brothers taught me how to turn my rat yellow. His name is Scabbers." Ron said as he took out his wand. A girl with brown curly hair then walked into the corridor we were in and asked "Have any of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost his." We shook our heads. "Oh, are you doing magic?" She asked Ron, "let's see then." He gulped And Said "butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!" Sparks flew at Scabbers nose but other than that nothing happened. "Are you sure that's a real spell? I actually know a few." She said as she walked over to Harry and sat in front of him. She pointed her want at his broken glasses and said "Oculus Reparo." Harry's glasses instantly fixed themselves. The girl looked at us and said, "My name is Hermione, Hermione Granger."
"y/n Potter" I said in awe.
"Harry Potter" my brother said.
She then looked startled and asked "So you must know of he-who-must-not-be-named? You two are famous you know" Me and Harry looked at eachother puzzled. Hermione then explained how we are legends bcuz a man named Voldemort had killed our parents and we defeated him. Which sounded absolutely impossible. She then turned to Ron and asked,
"And you are?"
"Ronald, Ronald Weasley." He replied proudly.
"I see" Said Hermione, "Well I suggest you all get into your robes. We'll be arriving at Hogwarts soon" she said and then starting walking out. When she got to the door she turned to Ron and said "By the way, you have dirt on your nose" and then walked away. Ron looked at us wide eyed and said "Mental that one, I'm telling you."
I laughed and said,
"Maybe, but she's right, we should go change into our robes" I got up and grabbed my robes that Hagrid had given me. I was walking around trying to find a bathroom to change in when I bumped into someone making them fall to the ground.
"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention" I apologized.
"Well maybe next time you should watch where your go-" the boy got up and looked at me straight in the eyes. He was gorgeous. His eyes were a blueish greyish color and his hair was so blonde it could have been white. He had pretty pale skin and a devilish smirk on his face.
"Um it's okay" he finished saying, "who are you?"
"y/n Potter" I said with a smile.
He held out his hand and said, "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." I grabbed his hand and I instantly got butterflies in my stomach. I hated that stupid feeling. I knew instantly that I would fall for him.
"Nice to meet you. Again, I'm sorry I bumped into you." I said.
"Don't worry about it" he said with a smirk, "I'll just have to get you back"
I smiled at him and jokingly said,
"I guess you will"
I had met a few boys in the past at my school. Some liked me, some didn't. I knew what it was like to have a crush. I also knew for a fact that the boy standing in front of me was bad news. His smirk said it all. Not to mention he was about to tell me to watch where I was going. I wonder what made him change his mind.
"Well I'll see you around, Potter. I assume you're going somewhere to change?"
I nodded.
"Well the bathrooms are over there" he said as he pointed left.
"Thank you" I said, "and I'll see you around too, Draco."
He looked at me a little shocked and said
"Draco huh? Not a lot of people would call me that the first day we meet"
I knew exactly what he was talking about.
At my school, you only called people by their first name if they were dating or really good friends. So he assumed I'd call him Malfoy. But, I liked Draco better.
I smiled at him and said,
"Well, I guess I'm different."
He raise his eyebrows at me and said silently "I guess you are.."
I smiled at him and walked away towards the bathrooms. When I looked back, he was still staring at me. I went into the bathroom and smiled like a maniac for 5 minutes and then changed. I looked at myself in the mirror and observed. I had fairly light skin, green eyes, dark brown hair, and dimples on my cheeks when I smiled, which I was still doing. I combed my fingers through my hair and walked out of the bathroom. When I looked down the hall, I saw Draco with two other boys. They were really big and really fat. He was laughing with them at something that I couldn't see. When I walked closer, I saw that Draco was holding a toad and laughing at a small chubby boy that was reaching for the toad in Draco's hands. Normally, I would just let this happen. I know that's bad, but a lot of the people at my school all bullied eachother so they all deserved it. But I didn't know this boy. So I didn't know if he deserved it.
"What's wrong Longbottom?" Draco laughed, "did you lose your toad?"
"Malfoy please give him back, Trevor gets scared when he's up that high in the air!" The boy said as he trembled.
I knew for a fact that this Longbottom kid had never bullied or picked on a soul in his entire life. So I decided to get involved like an idiot.
"Excuse me" I said.
Draco turned around smirking, but when he looked at me, his smirk kind of went away and his eyes softened.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Well, I just couldn't help but notice you picking on him" I said as I pointed to Longbottom.
Draco smirked widely and said "you mean Longbottom? I told the lad to take his stupid toad and he's sitting there on the floor, crying."
I realized that this boy was probably scared out of his mind to stand up because Draco had two bodyguards that could crack his spine in two seconds. I felt really sorry for him. I rolled my eyes at Draco, grabbed the toad out of his hands and walked towards Longbottom.
"Are you okay?" I asked him silently.
"Yes. Thank you." He said. "i'm Neville"
I held out my hand to help him up. I handed him Trevor the toad and smiled at him.
"I'm y/n, y/n Potter" I said.
I then turned to Draco who was glaring at Neville, like a lot.
"Draco" I said. He looked at me and his eyes looked sad. For some reason I felt really really bad for him. I mean he bullied people for a reason. There was always a reason, and now, he looks sad. I was going to say something rude to him but I didn't. Instead I smiled softly at him and grabbed Neville's hand and walked away. I looked back at Draco and he was looking at me, shocked and sad, but he was smiling. I turned around and let go of Neville's hand. When we got out of Draco's sight Neville turned to me and said,
"Thank you for what you did back there. You're very brave." He said.
I smiled at him and walked with him to where Harry and Ron were waiting for me. When we got to Harry and Ron, Harry looked at me slightly annoyed.
"Where the heck have you been?" He asked.
I explained everything to him the rest of the way there. Leaving out details like me slightly liking Draco. Harry said he was proud of me for defending Neville. They introduced themselves to eachother and we all talked a lot the rest of the way there.

y/n potter and draco malfoy Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat