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"Henry! He's awake." Sam yelled gaining everyone's attention. "Hey you. We're alive." Ellie said to Joel. "See? What'd I tell you, huh?" Henry said with a laugh. "He's good. Everything's fine." Joel stood up. "You know, Sam's the one that spotted you." Henry continued to talk as Joel marched his way up to him and pushed him onto the ground and pulled a gun out on him. 

"He's pissed but he's not gonna do anything."

"You sure about that?"

"Stop!" Sam yelled. "Joel."  I said sternly as Ellie put a hand on his back. "He left us to die out there." Joel gave his reason as Ellie took her hand off his back. "No. You had a good chance of making it, and you did. But coming back for you meant putting him at risk." Henry pointed at Sam. "If it was the other way, would you have come back for us? I saved you."

"He saved us too." Joel looked at Ellie and I. "We all woulda drowned." Joel tossed the gun onto the ground and Sam quickly picked it up. "It's fine though, I'm okay." Henry reassured Sam and he helped his brother up. "Y'know, for what it's worth, I'm really glad we spotted you." 

"Don't worry man, we're glad too, right?" I patted Joel on the shoulder and smirked at him. He didn't say anything and just glared at me. Henry chuckled and took a few steps forward. "Now, that radio tower is on the other side of this cliff, okay? Place is gonna be full of supplies. You're gonna be really happy you didn't kill me." We all started following Henry but I stayed back with Joel. 

"We all do things to survive, that's just how it is these days." I said, patted his back and started following the group. 

~~~~~~~~~(I know I skip all the action parts but let's be honest you wouldn't want to read it anyway, trust me, I'm terrible with action parts.)

"Oh, shit!" I yelled as a bullet was shot at us. "Get down!" Joel yelled and we all took cover behind a car. "Fuckin' sniper." Henry said. "Did you see where it came from?" Joel was going to take a look when another bullet flew passed his head. "Somewhere down the street."

"Alright now. Ya'll stay here." Joel ordered but Ellie protested. "Before you start - I need you guys to keep him busy." I smiled at his idea. "I'm gonna go around and see if I can't get the angle on him." 

Ellie told Joel to be careful and he was off. I grabbed my gun despite still not being that good at the moment and quickly made my way up to another car. "(Y/n)!" The three yelled at me. I only brushed them off and continued. After knowing that I was in a good stop I stopped and took a deep breath. I popped up and yelled. "Hey cock suckers!" This resulted in a bullet being shot at me but thankfully it didn't hit me. 

I laughed at them. I did this a few more times in different spots to keep them from seeing Joel. It worked great until people started coming up behind us. We all had to take cover from the sniper and shoot down the guys behind us. That was until the sniper started shooting the guys. We knew then that Joel had got to the sniper and took his place. 

Just when I thought we were done the tank from earlier came out and started shooting at us. "Go, go, go!" Henry urged us to hide behind a different car. Not only did we have to deal with the tank but more people came after us. We shot as many people as we could when they started throwing those bottle things at us, making us move to a different spot for cover. As soon as the guy popped out of the tank to throw another one Joel shot him and the tank caught on fire and crashed. 

"Shit! Oh that was intense!" Ellie said as we looked around. Just as we thought there wasn't anymore to deal with, infected came running at us. Three of them tackled Henry, Sam, and I. I used all my strength to keep the infected away from me as Joel shot the one on top of Sam and Ellie took care of the one on Henry. I grabbed my gun that I had dropped and shot the infected in the head. 

"Fucking shit." I said as I stood up. More infected started pouring onto the street. We tried taking down as many as we could but only more came. We got into the house and barricaded the place. "You're okay." Ellie said as Joel came down the stairs. "Still here. Anybody hurt?" Joel asked as we kept an eye on the door. "No. We're good." 

"Alright. I think it's time we quit this place. C'mon." We walked out of the house through the back door. I trailed a little behind as I fought off the memories of the last time I was in a house surrounded by infected. Joel ushered us through an opening in the fence and one by one we all went through. 


"Shut the hell up." Henry said as he let out a chuckle. We got to a house that we knew was safe to stay at for the night. I was in another room but it was so quiet you could hear the bugs outside. I sat on the floor, leaning against the wall and let out a sigh. The past few days have been eventful and memories kept coming back to me. Especially when I joined to help take Ellie to the fireflies. 

"Hey." I looked up to see that Ellie had entered the room with a can of food. "Hi." I said as I looked back down at the floor. "Here." She sat down next to me and handed me the can. "Figured you'd need something to eat." I gave a small thanks and took a spoonful of the food in my mouth.

I grimaced at the taste. "Is this beans?" I asked after swallowing the food. "It is, why?" I raised a brow and tried handing her the can back. "I don't like beans." She gave me a shocked face and pushed the can back to me. "Shut up and eat it." I sighed and decided to give in because I was too tired to argue with her. 

"I'm curious about something." Ellie spoke up out of nowhere. "What is it?" I asked slightly interested. "I have comics, Sam has a toy, what do you have?" I placed my spoon in the now empty can and let out a sigh as I reached behind me to take off the necklace that was once my mom's. I handed it to Ellie to let her take a look at it.

"So, you, like, have a girlfriend or something?" She asked as she grabbed it by the chain and let it dangle. "What? No." I grabbed the locket part and opened it showing the picture of my mom, dad, and me. "It was my mom's. She always kept it with her until we got ambushed by infected." 

It was silent for a while until Ellie opened the clasp, sat on her knees and leaned toward me to put it back around my neck. "Then you should never take it off." She smiled at me and started leaving the room. I stared at the door she left through and looked back at the necklace. 

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