𝓗𝓮𝓷𝓻𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓪𝓶

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"Okay, no, stop." Ellie said making Joel and I stop walking. She grabbed my good arm and pulled me to lean on a crate. "What are you-" I started asking but she cut me off. "Just shut up. You're getting worse by the second." Ellie reached into her bag and pulled out a bandage wrap and bandanna. I let out a sigh and pulled off my hoodie and lifted my sleeve. I let out a groan when Ellie started wrapping my arm and tied the bandanna above the wound. 

"Drink this." She demanded handing me a water bottle. I let out another sigh and chugged some of the water down. I looked towards Joel and saw him smirking at us. I glared and would have said something when a tank came out of nowhere and started shooting at us. I quickly grabbed my hoodie as Ellie grabbed my backpack and we ran for cover. 


Just as Joel jumped through a window a guy came up from behind him. Ellie jumped through next and pulled out her knife on the guy. "Ellie!" I 'jumped' through the window and made my way to her. Joel grabbed the guys head and flipped him over punching him repeatedly. "Joel." Ellie said as she sat up and looked at something. I looked in the direction and saw a kid holding a gun at him. "Joel stop!" I said as we stood up and raised our hands, well I only raised one. 

Joel finally looked up and saw the kid. He got off the guy he was punching and raised his hands as well. "Leave him alone." The guy said. "Easy son. Just take it easy." I started feeling light headed again. I let the hand I had in the air falter to my head as I groaned, feeling a headache come on. "It's alright. They're not the bad guys. Lower the gun." 

"Man, you hit hard."

"Yeah, well, I was trying to kill you." 

"Yeah. I thought you were one of them too."

I pushed myself up onto the wall to try to keep myself from falling but it only helped me slide to the floor. "(Y/n)!" Ellie yelled as she came up to me. "I'm- fine.-" I said unconvincing. "Was he bit?" The guy asked. "No, he was shot. We haven't had time to really stop and help him." Joel answered. The guy made his way over to me. "Mind if I check it?" I shook my head, giving him the okay to lift my sleeve. I still haven't put my hoodie back on. 

I grimaced as he removed the bandages. "The bullets still in there." He said and re-wrapped my arm. "We have some more stuff that could help, not far from here. We can fix him up there. The name's Henry, that's Sam." 




We all answered as Ellie helped me off the floor. Henry took the gun Sam had and put it away as he reached into Sam's bag to grab a bandage for his arm where Ellie had cut him. "How many are with you?" Joel asked.

"They're all dead." "Hey, we don't know that. There were a bunch of us. Someone had the brilliant idea of entering the city. Look for supplies. Those fuckers - they ambushed us. scattered us. Now it's all about getting out of this shithole."

"We can hep each other." Ellie said taking a small step forward but was stopped by Joel's arm. "Ellie." "Safety in numbers and all that and (Y/n) needs help." 

"She's right. We could help each other. We take (Y/n) to that hide out and work out all the details there." Joel huffed and looked between Henry and me. "Alright take us there." 

"Follow me." Henry said and led us out of the room. "Sorry about the whole gun thing." Sam said. "Don't worry. I would've probably done the same thing." Ellie and I started moving forward. I had my arm around her shoulders to stay off the floor. "Where you from?" 

"All the way from Hartford." I started zoning out as the two talked. They weren't going in the same direction as us so there wasn't really a point in getting to know them. "Hey (Y/n), can you stand by yourself real quick?" I nodded. Ellie bent down to grab that toy Sam was looking at and put it in her bag. "Why?" I asked as she grabbed my arm again to put it around her shoulders. "He's still a kid, I don't see why he can't have one toy, I mean I have my comics, you? Actually I don't know what you have." 

"Okay, I get it." I said without giving an answer to what I had. 


"Welcome to my office." Henry said as he opened the door. "How long have you guys been holed up in here?" Ellie asked as she sat me down on a couch. "A few days. We found a bit of food, though. Here." Sam ran off to another room. Ellie looked back at me as if she needed permission from me. I waved her off and leaned back in the chair. The two came back a little later and sat down on the couch. 

"Want some?" Sam asked as he grabbed a handful of blueberries and held them out to me. "When was the last time you washed your hands?" I asked as if you could wash your hands nowadays. Ellie scoffed. "Don't mind him, he can be an asshole sometimes." Ellie said as she took the blueberries from his hand. "Come on, eat it, you need something." 

I was about to say something when Ellie shoved some of those blueberries into my mouth. I glared at her which only made the two start laughing for some reason. Ellie moved her hand from my mouth and then she tried tossing some of the berries into her mouth. I shook my head with a small smile on my face as I chewed the berries in my mouth. 


It wasn't long until Joel and Henry ended their conversation and Henry finally started gathering the stuff to clean up my arm. He started by taking the bullet out and then truly cleaning up my arm. "So, you two dating?" I scoffed. "As if." Henry only laughed. "You like her?" I glared at him. "No." "Well, she likes you." 

"Doubt it." I leaned my head back on the couch. "The way she looks at you and has constantly checked on you? I don't doubt it for a second." I stayed silent. "Your silence is telling me things." I sighed. "It would be great if you'd shut the hell up right now." I said as Henry finished up putting new bandages around my arm. 

There was definitely no way I liked Ellie. I can barely tolerate her some times. 

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