• • •

I've been in labor for hours, literally I've been at this hospital for 10 hours. I was told I most likely started labor a couple hours before that. Oh jeez, it's coming back.

I begin to shriek and cry out. "THIS HURTS!" I yell.

"You've told me repeatedly. Labor is supposed to hurt." Joe explains.

"You're not helping!" I continue to scream while my hands clench the side bars.

"Okay, well midnight is in 37 minutes. Are you sure you'll be able to handle this?"

"Maybe, I'm 50/50." I say as the contraction goes away.

"Taylor, you don't need to put yourself through this much pain. I mean, there's drugs and actually giving birth."

"I'm technically nine centimeters dilated so excuse me. I'm not ready."

"Yeah, that was two hours ago. You keep throwing stuff at the doctors that come in now. One of them was crying."

"That's cause they're stupid."

"Taylor, I think you're throwing stuff at them because you don't want to have this baby yet."

"Of course I want hold my son and see him."

"Then why are you making the staff here cry?"

"Because I'm scared as hell!"

"So am I! I have no idea what I'm doing!"

"You're supposed to comfort me or something!"

"How do I do that?!"

"I don't know!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Me TOOOOOO." Man those contractions are a bitch.

A doctor walks in and a grab a remote to throw at them but Joe grabs my arm. "No! Bad!" He yells at me like a dog. I drop the remote and relax my body as he lets go.

"I'm just gonna check on your progress..." The doctor asks shyly.

"What happened to my other doctor?" I ask as I see this isn't my normal OB.

"Uh-she got scared and said 'this bitch is crazy,' Then took off." She replies with.


"Yeah I'm the only doctor who is willing to treat you. Everyone else is scared."

"You're not scared?"

"No I'm terrified as fuck but I took an oath."

"I'm not gonna-I'm going to ignore that."

"Let me just...exam you real quick."

I nod and bite down on my lip as more pain rushes throughout my body. "Just get this thing out of me please." I plead.

"That 'this' is called a baby." Joe clarifies.

"I don't care just get it out of me!"

"Okay, you're dilated 10 centimeters. So, let's get moving."

"What time is it?" I ask.

"11:29. 31 minutes." Joe says.

"Okay, okay. I can make it." I see the doctor putting on a gown and gloves. She's preparing herself for deliver...oh god it's actually happening.

• • •
Have you ever watched the clock so intensely that time passes slower than it's actually happening? 11:59, I'm almost out of the woods.

"I need you to push one last time, then he'll be here. You'll have your baby boy."

"Can we wait like...27 more seconds?"

"No, you have to push. A lot of things can happen in 27 seconds."

"Well it's now 22 seconds so clearly we have enough time."

"Taylor, we'll just say he was born on the 14th. It'll be fine."

"17 seconds. You just wasted 5 seconds trying to convince me."

"And you wasted 3 explaining it to me."

"Taylor, I seriously need you to push. Not pushing puts you and the baby at risk."

"11 seconds. Can we wait 11 seconds?"

"I see why everyone hates you."

"9 seconds."

"I'm clearly going to loose this battle. We'll wait 7 more seconds." The doctor says as she finally gives up.

I begin to do an internal countdown. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

"Okay, I'm ready."


I once again scream as God created childbirth to be your body ripping apart. Actually, Adam and Eve were dicks and God made childbirth hard for us. Dammit.
I hear a familiar sound though, one I heard all those years ago. One of the best sounds...it probably is most likely annoying to most but those people haven't been mothers. The cry of your newborn baby that just came out of the oven. Oh god why did I have to say oven? The doctor holds the baby boy in front of me as he cries.

"You got a beautiful baby boy." She shortly then walks away to clean him up.

I take Joe's arm and look up at him. "I did it. I actually did it."

"You did it. I'm proud of you." Joe brushes my hair back softly.

"Here you go." The doctor walks over to me and places the baby on my chest and I hold him softly, making sure to keep his head steady. He continues to shriek loudly which I don't mind right now.

"Well hello handsome." I smile as I hear him cry. I mean, we just took him from his world and everything is different. I would cry too, I most likely did but I can't remember that far.

"I'm a father officially...does this mean I get gifts on Father's Day?"

"You were a father long beforehand. You started being a father the day Olivia destroyed you when I was recording but you still stayed."

Joe grins and gives me a small side hug. I make room for him to get on the bed with me and he gets up and lays next to me. The baby begins to coo instead of cry which makes me smile.

"What do you want to name him?"

"Benjamin like Benjamin Button."

"Are you going to continue to name your children after films?"


"You know, I do like the name Benjamin. He does look like a Benjamin."

"Benjamin it is. He's the most handsome boy I've ever seen." I tell him.

"Wowww way to shade me."

"You're not too bad yourself." I say with a laugh.

Joe kisses my temple and runs his hands over my hair. I sink into the moment and I know this is a memory that'll be remembered but I want to document every possible moment.
Author's Note:
I don't know what to write lol

Word count: 1577

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