Chapter 4: It's time to boil the kettle (cause the tea is getting hot)

Start from the beginning

"Are you ok?" Will asked she waved her hand with an almost convincing smile plastered across her face.

"I'm fine, I just don't deal well with loud noises is all." She rubbed at the side of her head.

"How about this, before we start Hogwarts I can take you all on a short trip around London, we won't be able to see everything but that can be done in the Christmas Holidays. The Markets will be open and I think visiting Winter Wonderland would be nice. We can go to Thorpe Park in the holidays too. Does that all sound fair?" Butch grumbled about not being able to go to Thorpe Park so soon but reluctantly agreed with the rest. "We could maybe also see a play or a musical too..." She trailed off.

"A play? What kind?" Annabeth asked, her interest peaked.

Cedella's usually blank eyes seemed to light up a bit, "Well we could go see a play by Shakespeare at the Globe, the prices are pretty cheap. There are a few theatres in London, the Playhouse Theatre usually throws some good ones like An Inspector Calls, I think they're recently presenting Six too."'

"Six, isn't that the musical about the six wives of Henry VIII?" Piper sat up straighter in her seat, the witch hummed in acknowledgement.

"Miss Cedella, we've arrived." The driver spoke up as they pulled up to a large cottage-style house, the front gates slid open as the coach drew near, they shut behind them when the coach parked right by the front doors. Just before Hazel went to undo her seatbelt she felt eyes on her, she looked out the window as glowing eyes stared at them, they hovered in the darkness for a few seconds before they disappeared into the darkness. She rubbed at her eyes and looked out again but saw nothing, she nearly brushed it off as her being tired but she wasn't the only one who noticed.

"Can anything or anyone enter the confinements of your house? I do believe that I saw something over there." Reyna pointed in the direction that Hazel had seen the eyes and the demigods stilled, Clovis finally woke up rubbing some sleep out of his eyes.

Cedella opened the door, "Oh nothing can, if you saw something it was probably just the dragons." She waved off their concern and stepped out of the limousine and stretched her back as a low growl came from the bushes, a pair of pupilless eyes glared at her, they all tensed and reached for their weapons as a dark shape darted for her.

"Watch out!" Travis and Connor raced to defend the young heiress who stubbornly looked on as the dark shape approached her, she glared as the face of a dragon bared its teeth at her, spittle dripping from its barred teeth. It let out a series of growls and grunts ruffling its wings and stomping its claws on the ground. It stood at around 5ft 3" with scales that glittered and adorned its bodies like pearls, its eyes shone like a supernova but lacked pupils.

"Down Lemmie." The dragon gave out a whimper and sat on its rump, whining as it thumped its tail on the ground. An irritated growl clawed its way up the dragon's throat. "Sorry about that, he's been irritated that I've been busy all day."

"An antipodean opaleye." It was out of Hazel's mouth before she even realized that she said it, she clasped a hand over her mouth and an embarrassed blush dusted her cheeks. Cedella simply stroked a hand down his snout.

"Well you got Salem's breed right, as long as you give enough attention antipodean opaleyes won't get too aggressive, it's not really in their nature." Salem purred, licking her hand.

"How many more dragons are over there?" Clarisse questioned, collapsing her spear back into a bracelet.

"We had about 25 in the fields today, but who's to say if the numbers will decrease or increase by the time we go to school. Our garden sort of doubles as a sanctuary for magical animals, they're free to come and leave as long as they don't mean harm."

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