| Prologue |

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It showed up every night at 3:04 am on the dot.

I can see you,

She heard it speak to her it didn't matter if she plugged her ears, shoved earbuds in and blasted music. She could hear him and she knew he could see her.

I'm always here, Lucille.

It's voice echoed, she wanted it to shut up. It was like nails scraping against a chalkboard, oh god she wanted peace. She burried her head underneath her pillow.

She only had a minute, then it would leave.

You can't get rid of me.

I'm always here.

You will listen to me.

Look at me child.

She didn't need to she could already picture it, the tall dark figure, it's long inhuman arms that would drag across the old hardwood floor it's nails, long, thin, curved.

The void where a face would be, no eyes or any features whatsoever. "Lord, please help me," She whispered under her breath.

She heard the floor creak and then the sound of something sharp drag against the floor. It was getting closer to her slowly, she could hear it's breath.

I can hear you, I can hear you, I can see you and I will get you.

Something grabbed her blanket and it slowly was peeled back. She felt her heart stop.

Tonight I will get you and I will-

She didn't wait to hear what else it would say, she did what she did best. Scream, scream at the top or her lungs and pray her parents would get here.

The light quickly flicked on and she felt a flood of relief run through her. "Lucy!?" Her mother rushed over to her and she sprang from her bed and clung to her night gown.

"It came back momma, it c-came back. I could hear it momma, it was about to kill me!" The small girl sobbed, she wished it would stay away. But it came back it never stopped.

Her mother let out a long sigh and picked her up and sat down at the edge of her he'd and brushed a strand of her hair from her eyes. "Darling, it's this the same dream?"

Lucy nodded and dug her face back into her mother's shoulder. "It won't stop," she sniffled. "Momma please make it s-stop."

"Lucille, you have an active imagination and you should be proud of that." Lucy cringed upon hearing that, "But you need to learn that this creature, it's a nightmare. It cannot hurt you."

No, she didn't understand.

It was.

"Momma but it's not a dream."

"Lucille," Her mother said, her tone shifting from supportive to annoyed. "I'm ending this here, got it?"

She pulled away and wiped off her nose with her sleeve and felt her bottom lip tremble. "Can I....stay in your bed tonight?" She whispered. It would be the fifth time she'd done this in the last two weeks.

"Yes, but this is the last time."

She nodded and stood up and grabbed her pillow and took one last glance at her room before following mother down the hallway.

Wherever you go, I will always be here. And I will not wait much longer until claiming what's mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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