An Introduction by Cassandra

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This is the story of how I died... and then came back to life... And started a harrowing journey across the Seven Kingdoms. I know I know, that was a lot more straightforward and less flashy than when Eugene does it, but I'm trying my best here.

Now I know what you're thinking: "You're right Cass, Eugene normally does the narrating. So why are you the one telling this story?" And the truth is, he could probably tell this story way better than I could. Even if he wasn't around to witness most of it, Eugene would be able to draw a crowd bigger than the Goodwill Festival by telling this story (Just don't tell him I said that). However, this story is all about trying new things, so I decided it would only be fitting to tell it myself.

Just in case you're not up to speed, let me catch you up. I am Cassandra. Adopted daughter to the former Captain of the Corona guard. Biological daughter of Mother Gothel (Yeah, you know the one). Previous lady-in-waiting to and best friend of Princess Rapunzel. Constant bother to Eugene Fitzherbert. And more recently, the wielder of the all-powerful moonstone and the pawn of the evil demon, Zhan Tiri. That last one doesn't roll off the tongue as easily, I know.

Just in case you haven't heard the story, I will let Eugene cover that part:

So yeah, Zhan Tiri manipulated a fight between Rapunzel and I by filling my head with anger and hate. She turned me against my friends and the kingdom I love. In the end, Zhan Tiri betrayed me and took both the sundrop and moonstone for herself, just like she had always planned. I teamed up with Rapunzel to take the demon out once and for all, and there were happy endings for everyone all around. 

However, after having my head clouded for so long, I wasn't ready to just fold back into my old routine. I needed to get a fresh start. I helped Rapunzel fulfill her destiny, and now she's going to live happily ever after, after all.

But now, it's my turn. No more waiting in the wings for me. I needed to find my own destiny...

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