The Night

644 15 13

Prompt by: Everyone-has-thoughts on Tumblr and inspired by Shatter in the Night by Vesperteen

About: keefe x dex, fluff, Keefe and Dex go on a romantic outing in the middle of the night

Word count: ~585


Keefe awkwardly slipped through the window into Dex's room with a crash landing onto his dresser. No matter how many times he had done this, he never got the landing right.

Dex sat up in his bed, he was pretending like he had been sleeping but Keefe knew better. His sleeping patterns were just as bad as Sophie's, if not worse sometimes.

"Keefe, what are you doing here? We said tomorrow, not tonight."

"I got bored. C'mon, get your tunic on, we're going to the forbidden cities. I...borrowed a crystal from one of our council friends!"

"You're insane."

"Maybe so, but it'd be a waste if we didn't use it, right techmaster?"

Dex sighed. "Fine, but we have to be careful."

"Always am"


A tunic change and a lightleap later, they both stood in what seemed to be a large desert. This place was void of the typically light pollution of human territories and you could see every star in the sky.


The redheaded boy had his neck craned up to look at all of the stars, just as many if not more as you could see in the lost cities, his freckled face lit up by the full moon.

"Where are we?" Dex said, not taking his eyes from the sky.

"I'm...not sure to be honest. I was just hoping that we didn't end up in the middle of the ocean."

Dex giggled, his dimpled smile brought Keefe more joy than anything else in the world.

"Doesn't seem very careful of you to leap us to a random place in the forbidden cities,"

"Did I say I was always careful? Sorry, slip of the tongue, I meant I care about having fun."

Dex rolled his periwinkle eyes, but there was a small smile forming at the corner of his mouth.

Keefe plopped down on the ground and Dex followed his lead. They both laid back, not caring about getting sand in their hair or on their clothes. Their hands intwined as they looked up at the stars, pointing out different constellations.

"I think that one is sagittarius, and over there is scorpius."

Dex didn't seem to be paying attention to the stars anymore, rather looking over to Keefe.

Keefe turned back over to him. "Hm?"

Dex gave him a peck on the mouth. "Thank you for this...I couldn't sleep. The nightmares have been rough recently."

"I know." Keefe ruffled the boys already messy hair. "And it's no problem. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't take you on spontaneous dates to the middle of the desert?"

"Probably most kinds of boyfriends,"

They both laughed and returned to laying on the sand. Keefe's arm wrapped around Dex as they sat in comfortable silence looking at the sky.

Dex suddenly gasped.

"What? What is it?" Keefe sat up, prepared to defend.

"It's a shooting star! Don't they say you get to make a wish on those?"

"Oh," Keefe leaned back on his hands, relieved there was no danger. "Well, you spotted it, you make the wish."

"Ok," Dex said, pondering his next words. "I wish...that this lasts forever. That even when we're ancients we can still do stuff like this."

"Me too," Keefe gave him a kiss on the cheek. "And as long as you keep me around to bother you, it will."

After hours of cuddling in the sand they watched the sun rise together and thought of a future where they could do this every night. 

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