Honey Bear and Buzzy Bee

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Once upon a time there was a Bear named Honey Bear.He lived in a small cottage on Grey Hill.He had 4 friends,Debbie Deer,Sammy Snake,Martha Monkey and Buzzy Bee.Honey Bear's best friend was Buzzy Bee because he gives him honey.One day Honey Bear went to Buzzy Bees hive to collect honey Buzzy Bee always stood next to the jar of honey to talk with Honey Bear but today he was not standing there so Honey Bear took the jar of honey and went to his home.Some time later all his friends came to play with him except for Buzzy Bee Honey Bear asked his friends
'Where is Buzzy Bee' His friends said'We do not know'so they all went to find him they looked in the forest, they looked around the river,they looked around the hill,they looked in Debbie Deer's house, they looked in Sammy Snake's house,they looked in Martha Monkey's house,they looked in the hive,they looked in Honey Bear's house but they did'nt find him.So they went in the forest to play catch when they went home Honey Bear wanted to eat the honey when he opened the jar and saw Buzzy Bee in it.'Buzzy Bee why are you in here'said Honey bear 'I was trapped in here because Martha Monkey's little sister Mandy Monkey closed the lid when I was pouring my honey in the jar'said Buzzy Bee'Go and have a bath and hurry up lets play' said Honey Bear.
Then they all played in the forest.To be continued

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