The blood moon ball

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-3rd person-
The Cresent moon shined on the ballroom floor. The two boys were standing there hand and hand. Marcos mask sightly falling off. It's like the moment froze time.
"Can I take off your mask sir?" The demonic boy spoke up. Suddenly Marco ran and ran to the carriage with star in toe. He tryed to ignore the demonic boy calling out the "Masked boy!" Every two seconds.
-Marco's POV-
Keep running. Don't look back, it was a mistake. A big fat mistake. Were almost there...
"HOLD IT! Who are you?"
"Star it's me,* I lift up the skull mask "Marco".
"Marco? What are you doing here?"
"Well I was trying to save you but... As you saw things didn't go as planned." We rushed into the coach and as it rises we sit there in uncomfortable silence.
-Few days later-
Star hasn't talked to me sense then. But then as I went to brush my teeth, star was just starting to brush hers.
"Oh um hi Marco..."
"Star look. I know the blood moon ball was..."
"Can we just forget about it. I was a accedent. I didnt know tom was going to barge in and take your spot."
"I know it's just... Weird that my best friend was cursed with my EX..."
"Yah again... Not planned." I grabbed the back of my neck and rubbed it.
"Look dufas. Just let's go back to being friends. Forget around the ball, and everything that happened now let's jam huh?" Star held up her toothbrush and I grabbed my and jammed out.
-Tom's POV-
Who was he... I'm having all the demons at my disposal to help me find who that was. I can't get him out of my head. That's not how the curse works tho... It's ment to bond you yes. But not this. Any time I think about it my cheeks (on his face u perves.) Heat up, my heart's pound. And I can't take my mind off him...
"Sir sir! Your never going to believe it!"
"What." I stare at him.
"Sir the boy you were at at the blood moon ball was-" my phone buzzed.
"Hold on." I looked at my phone. star? What is she calling about? I answered my phone.
"Hello Tom speaking."
"Heeeyyy Tom just wanted to you know. Tell you thanks for the invite and all. Oh and Marco's your mystery guy byeeee!" Then she hug up. M-Marco?!

SVTFOV Marco X tomحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن