A Quick Talk

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Izuku tapped his foot as he watched the city pass

Nothing made a sound except the cars driving around the roads.

He heard a soft thud behind him.


"eraserhead" he acknowledged

Izuku didn't look at him as the hero sat down.

Aizawa looked at the vigilante and tilted his head.

"why do you do it?" the hero questioned.  Aizawa always had this on mind. He just popped out of nowhere, declaring who he was.

"same reason you do i guess" he replied

Izuku reached into his back pocket and pulled out a packet of gummys, before opening them and picking one out.

He offered the packet to aizawa, the hero looked at them before taking one and chewing on it.

"is there a special reason?" erasurehead said "is it worth being hated by everyone?"

"well...its either this or killing myself"

Aizawa froze, a second gummy halfway to his mouth


"you see" Stray picked out a bear shaped sweet before tearing it in half "society would have hated me even if I didn't become Stray"

Aizawa shook of his shock " because of your quirk right?"

Stray let out a dry laugh " you mean my lack of one"

Aizawa looked at him. Either he was lying or he was indeed quirkless.

Aizawa glanced back out to the city. 20% of the population was quirkless, manly old folks who had managed to survive. But this young man. No, boy. Definitely was not 60. To be born quirkless a is less than 1% chance.

"I'm really unlucky" he chewed on half of the bear "If I become a hero I wouldn't be taken seriously" he explained

"I never wanted to be a villain, so thats a big no no" aizawa let out a breath

"and if I tryed to live a normal life I wouldn't be able to get a good job. I wouldn't be payed well and would end up homeless" Stray shrugged

"at least now I make a difference"

They both fell into comfortable silence. Aizawa was going over the new information in his head

Stray was quirkless.

Aizawa spoke up "I can see now"

Stray looked at him strangely

"I mean, vigilantes with quirks usually have a weakness. A way to stop them" he said "but you, have no advantage. Meaning no way to counter your strengths"

Izuku nodded, and disiding that he wouldn't tell aizawa about how he new every heros weakness and a way to counter them.

"I guess" he stood up and tucked the empty packet of sweets back into his pocket

"I came here to arrest you" aizawa stated and felt Stray tense behind him "but I'll let you go this one time"

He turned to the vigilante "after all" aizawa grinned "no one's been able to catch you before"

Stray nodded and began walking back "until next time"

So aizawa let the vigilante go free and watched as he melted into the shadows.

Stray was quirkless

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