hope still finds us in the dark (Dangan Ronpa)

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Alter Ego's floating head nodded ever so slightly, but they continued to look concerned and almost hesitant. "Would you prefer if I switched to the Mondo Owada setting?"

Kiyotaka shook his head, "No, thank you, Alter Ego. I appreciate it, but... seeing his face again so soon after the trial... I wasn't ready for it. I think there's still a part of me that hopes that this is all staged or some twisted dream. That he's still alive." He clutched his own hands tightly, "I just shook off whatever overcame me in that movement, and if I see him again and go back to that place...: he strained a laugh, "I might just end up sucker punching Hifumi into my very own class trial. Mondo and Chihiro wouldn't want that, would they? You said it yourself; you knew them both well enough to use data to covert yourself into copies of them. They'd want me to live the lives they couldn't have.

"Besides, if that was Mondo's spirit that possessed me earlier, it's not fair to him if I keep him here, right?" Kiyotaka gave the A.I. a sad smile. "If you believe in ghosts and all, that is. He should be allowed some peace. He shouldn't be tied to this horrid place because I can't cope with him being gone."

"As a piece of sophisticated software, I don't 'believe' in ghosts, but I think I understand your sentiment," Alter Ego responded with another comprehensive nod. "Ishimaru, may I ask a follow up question?"

"Of course. But I insist you call me Taka."

He was always so formal with everyone. At least with Alter Ego, maybe Kiyotaka could have some semblance of outwardly allowing someone to be informal with him.

"Taka it is then," Alter Ego replied with a smile that hit Kiyotaka like a freight train. It resembles Chihiro's lovely smile to the very last pixel. "What was that about... Hifumi, I believe? Why is it again that you would risk being condemned to your own trial and punishment to cause him harm?"

Kiyotaka articulated his next words carefully. "For starters, it's unforgivable of him to continue to misgender you and Chihiro after we clearly discovered that Chihiro does not identify with feminine pronouns and related language. I firmly believe that Mondo would have told us if that were the case, or that Monokuma would at least know -- not that I trust that thing. Hifumi isn't that dense as to forget something so vital to the second class trial, and yet he explicitly chose to ignore it."

"So you have strong feelings of dislike for Hifumi because he disregarded Master's identity. I see." Alter Ego continued, thoughtfully, "I know for a fact that while Master identified as solely male, he didn't mind being referred to as other pronouns as long as they weren't derogatory. I, myself, have no preference since I'm not a person, but she/her pronouns do not feel right to me."

"What pronouns would you prefer then?"

"Gender neutral are fine with me! I don't mind he/him that much, as that is what Master largely preferred, but I am not him, am I?"

It was a rhetorical question. As difficult as it was to accept, Alter Ego was not Chihiro. A;ter Ego was not Mondo either. Kiyotaka knew that now.

"I suppose you're right. Gender neutral pronouns it is then."

Alter Ego smiled softly in what appeared to be appreciation before looking a bit more serious again. "I suppose that is not the only reason you have resentment towards Hifumi, is it, Taka?"

Kiyotaka shook his head. "Right again. I think it's partially selfishness on my part, but also being protective of you and Chihiro's memory. I... or rather Kiyondo thought I needed you because you were Mondo. I can't say I disagreed with him on that matter; I mean, between Hifumi and I, who just lost the most? I lost Chihiro and Mondo in the same day -- my best bro and my good friend -- and what did Hifumi lose?

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