7 - Dismiss from imperial harem

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Inside the study room, Wu Zhang Wei couldn't help but smirk when he saw the middle-aged man asked to meet him personally.

"Yes, Prime Minister Li. What else do you want to say to Zhen this time? Ah! Let me guess... It's about Concubine Li, isn't it? So, what is his wish this time? A higher title? A better palace? Or maybe, he wants me to come and visit him often?" said Wu Zhang Wei sarcastically.

"Hmn....it- it's not like that Your Majesty..."

"Ohh... Not like that? Then, what did he want?" Wu Zhang Wei stares at Li Shizen with his palm supporting his chin.

"P- pardon Your Majesty... My son, Concubine Li wished to be dismissed from the imperial harem. He wants to give back the title concubine."

Feeling shocked, the elbows that supported his head slipped off the table, making Wu Zhang Wei slightly fall off to the right side.

"Wh- what did you say?" Wu Zhang Wei quickly straightens his body back.

"Concubine Li Xiu Ying deeply apologized but he said he wants to give back the title concubine. He wished to be released from the palace."

Wu Zhang Wei laughs stiffly. "Ha...ha...ha..."

"May Zhen know, what makes him suddenly decide like this? Did he feel afraid of other consorts after the poisoning case? Or.....he actually has found someone else he fell in love with?" When he said the latter part, the cold voice makes Li Shizen flinches.

"N- no! It's not Your Majesty. Li Xiu Ying doesn't have someone else or he fell in love with others. All he did at home was spend time with my wife. He didn't even make friends, what's more, a lover."

The emperor sneers. "Oh really? From what Zhen heard, he received a few marriage proposals, isn't it? Who knows, maybe one of the guys caught his eyes."

Li Shizen quickly kneels down and kowtows. "This servant begs for your forgiveness Your Majesty! Th- those people didn't know Li Xiu Ying's position as Your Majesty's concubine. But worry not, my wife already rejected all of them and even Li Xiu Ying didn't meet any of them."

Wu Zhang Wei hums.

"Prime Minister Li, do you think this topic is such a trivial matter? Don't you know thousands of girls and gers out there desperately want to be my concubine even when they know Zhen never wished to have one? But Zhen, in consideration of you, as one of the people that I trusted the most, willingly took in your son into the imperial harem. And now, you suddenly said your son wants to be dismissed? Ha! Am I a joke to you? Don't you think that Zhen being so kind and lenient towards you, Zhen won't do anything towards you and your family?" Wu Zhang Wei clenches his fist.

"Your Majesty... I..."

"Enough. Rise. Zhen doesn't want to hear any more excuses from you. You go back and tell Concubine Li to come back here and meet me. Let me hear the real reasons from his mouth. That's all. You can dismiss." Wu Zhang Wei waves his hand, asking Li Shizen to leave his study room.


With a heavy heart, Li Xiu Ying unwillingly returns to the palace for the next two days. The only thing that gives him the courage is the sooner he settles this, the faster he can go away from this place.

Jing Yi watches his young master's pale face, couldn't help but feel worried.

"Young master, are you alright? If you feel sick, I'll inform His Majesty and ask him to postpone your meeting."

Li Xiu Ying shakes his head. "No. It's okay. I'm fine. We can't let His Majesty wait for us. Let's go now."

"Yes, young master."

[under editing]Transmigration : Wake Up as an Annoying ConcubineWhere stories live. Discover now