Midnight looked at her, "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive." She said with a straight face. 

Midnight studied her for a moment. When she didn't see a trace of a lie in her she agreed, "Alright." 

The clip of them passing through the finish line played on the big screen. It zoomed in on both of them before playing the clip frame by frame. They all watched critically to see that Izuku's fingertip was indeed the deciding factor of the race. 

"There you have it." Miyasaki pointed towards the clip.

"It seems you're right. Apologies, we would be deducting a student from the original number. Miyasaki is now ranked second. The points will be adjusted accordingly."

Miyasaki nodded, satisfied but sweatdropped when she turned to find Midoriya all black and white again. She couldn't blame the Broccoli this time. Being in first place with ten million points on your head meant only one thing: He'll be targeted by everyone. 

Good luck, Midoriya. You'll need it.

Miyasaki could feel everyone's predatory gaze on Midoriya. To be honest with herself, she would've laughed if it weren't for the utterly terrified look on his face.

She sighed and thought it best to leave him to his thoughts for a while. Besides, she needed to come up with something anyway.


After Midnight had finished explaining everything Miyasaki started to think. She had to come up with a team that would be useful to her in this battle. She had 200 points on her and she wasn't planning on losing it. Looking around, her eyes locked onto two guys who she vaguely remembered to be from class B. Both of them looked promising enough to be teammates.

The two boys watched as she approached them with a glint in her eyes, "Wanna team up?"

Both boys looked at her critically, then looked at each other in silent question before discussing it between themselves. 

She watched the two interact with an amused look on her face. She assessed them both critically while they were busy whether they should let her be part of the team or not. The first boy had lightly tanned skin and black hair, reaching roughly down to his shoulders, which he wears in a low braid. 

Miyasaki had seen him use his quirk back at the first barrier. He could manifest reptilian scales on his skin. The second guy was tall with a very beastly appearance. He had shaggy, brown hair, covering most of his body. He looked strong enough to act as a shield while acting as a powerhouse as well. He could easily carry her with the help of the other guy.

"Well? Is it a yes or a no?"

They both glanced briefly at her before the one with the low braid nodded to the other. The one who had fur all over his body held out his hand for her to take with a smirk on his face, "It's a yes."

She shook the hand before letting go. 

The furry guy spoke, "I'm Shishida Jurota and that's Rin Hiryu. You don't have to introduce yourself. We know who you are." 

"Oh? Well then, let's get down to business..."

The three huddled up as they formed a plan. She had seen the others go and team up with people they thought would benefit them the most. It looked like Midoriya was having trouble finding teammates but she'd let him handle that on his own. She did tell them to go all out on her if they wanted to beat her. It also meant that she'd be facing everyone as opponents and not friends for this event.

She didn't tell her team them that she could've easily carried either of them seeing as she needed them both as defensive points of the formation. Plus, it'd likely bring some questions that she'd prefer to avoid. Her classmates already knew too much of her than she was comfortable with.

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