Tony Stark: Not meant to be

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A/N: This character comes from the movie: Iron Man.


Imagine that Tony is married to Pepper. It hurts the reader to see them together since he has such a big crush on Tony, little does he know Tony feels the same way.

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<<<(Y/N's P.O.V)>>>

I sighed deeply. People think I'm as straight as a straight man can be. How can anyone think anything diffrent. I flirt with a lot of girl, simply to mask my love for the small billionaire. I wish he could love me back. Unfortunatly he is married, even if he wouldn't be married, he would still not be interested.

Tony walked into the room. "Hey Y/n. How are you? Are you here to see my new suite?" He asked enthusiastic.

I sighed. "Sure."

"What's wrong?"

I shaked my head. "Nothing." I said while I wanted to scream that I love him, but I didn't.

I followed him to his workplace. I guess a good friendship is the closes thing I'll ever get to a real relationship. Since I know I'll never be with him. We are simply not ment to be.

<<<(Tony's P.O.V)>>>

I just can't help. Every time I see him I feel weird butterflies flying around in my stomach.

Just like I did this morning. He came out of the shower. He had a towel on, but his chest was still exposed. I nearly passed out, so breathtaking I thought he was.

He is so handsome. I sighed. I know I shouldn't have those thoughts, I'm married for gods sake. Yet I can't help, but to fall hopelessly in love with him.

Not that he would ever be interested in me. I mean why would he. He is perfection, tall, handsome, kind and young. He's a real gentleman. The way he kisses girls hands as a hello, I love it. But it also makes me jealous. He has all the girls wrapped around his fingers.

Me on the other hand am small, old and ugly. I hate my height. Almost everyone is taller then I am. It's not fair. If I would only be a little bit taller, maybe than Y/n would have interest in me. Who am I kidding, he is so straight as a straight guy can be. He flirts with every girl.

I've always known that I like both girls and boys, only I've never told anyone. Mainly because I didn't want people to think differently about me.

My eyes fell again on Y/n. I pictured me with him on the beach, holding hands and kissing.

'Argh, my life is so messed up.' I thought sadly. I love Y/n but I also don't want to leave my wife.

After I showed Y/n my new suite, we went for a drink. We sat down on my couch and talked.

I had a really great time. My heart flustered everytime he laughed or smiled at me.

'God I love his smile.' I thought lovestruck.

"You're so funny." He said.

My heart fluster and I blushed slightly. "T-thanks." I muttered.

The more we talked, the more I fell in love. This was so wrong, but boy, I was so happy.

<<<(Y/N's P.O.V.)>>>

After a couple of hours Pepper got home.

I sat there awkwardly. I really didn't felt like staying. "I guess I should go." I said as I was about to leave.

"Wait! What do you eat today?" Tony asked, causing me to stop.

"I don't really have plans. I think about fast food. Why?"

"Stay for dinner." He said.

"No, no, I don't want to be a bother." I kindly refused.

"You'll never be a bother. Please..."

Tony gave me his puppy eyes. I can't refuse that, can I?

"Alright. I guess it can't hurt."

After dinner was served. We at curry. It tasted like heaven. Pepper can cook, I'll give her that.

The dinner ended. It was already really late. It was dark outside.

"Thank you for this delicious meal." I smiled at them.

I stood up to leave. Suddenly I was pulled towards in hall by Tony.

"Tony..." I started, but was cut off by his lips. I was in total shock. Many questions filled my head.

However my lips automatically kissed him back. It felt so wonderful. I never knew Tony was such a good kisser. No wonder, since he's a playboy, but still I have to give him the credit.

I could feel his arms around my neck, my hands automatically went to his waist. Pulling him closer to me. I bowed slightly, so Tony didn't had to reach so far.

I totally forgot that Pepper was still in the living room and because of the door what was still open, she could hear everything. It was like I was temporary away from this world. Like we were in our own world.

Suddenly the reality hit me like a brickhouse. I knew I had to pull away so I did.

He looked hurt at me. "Don't you love me?"

"Of course I do, Tony. More than anything, more than life." After I said that, he stood on the tip of his toes again. Desperately wanted to kiss me again. But I turned away. I couldn't do that to his wife.

"No, Tony, stop. We can't do this. You are married, with a wonderful woman."

Tears appeared in his eyes. "B-but, I love you. Ever since we met I felt a connection. Like a soulmate bond. We are meant to be together and you know it."

"No we aren't."

I was about to leave, when he grabbed my wrist.

"Please don't, I can't lose you. I'll sign divorce, if you want me too." He looked at me with hope.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. My heart was telling me different things then my head did. I knew I had to do the right thing, despite what my heart was telling me to do.

I shooked my head. "You are not going to divorce with your wife, because of me."

"Now let me go Tony." I wanted it to sound like a demand, but it sounded more like a plead.

I saw Pepper standing in doorway, with a teary face. Tony saw it to. He gasped when he saw his wife so sad. This caused him to lossen the grib on my wrist. I took that chance to escape.

I opened the door and turned to him one more time and said: "I love you more than anything, but we are simply not meant to be."

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Thanks again for reading this, it means a lot to me.😊

XXX Luna❤

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